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I watched as Hyunjin came out of the bathroom in nothing but his sweatpants that hung low on his waist. For fucks sake did Chan really have to pair me with him out of all people, I mean sure he's hot as hell and such a flirt, but I fucking hate him.

I guess I really don't know what made me hate him so much but throughout high school he just rubbed me the wrong way. He always made moves towards me and always flirted with me but yet he did that with everyone. 

Why did I think I was any different than the people he would flirt with? He flirted, he played with your feelings took you out to make you feel special and then would fuck you and dump you the next day.

And I was not going to be one of his victims.

But here he is and has yet to actually make a move on me I'm surprised he hasn't but him just standing there with no shirt on is a move in my book.

"Ugh can you please put a shirt on before I tear my eyes out." I groaned. "What? Don't like what you see." Hyunjin smirked.

I stood there glaring at him and he had the audacity to stand there and smirk back at me. I swear by the end of this trip there will be nothing left of him.

"Oh Jisung, my dear Jisung how I have missed you." Hyunjin grinned. I watched him walk towards me and I took steps backwards until my legs hit the bed and I fell on to it. Hyunjin crawled on top of me and was now hovering over me, his face so close to mine that I can feel his breath against my neck as he leaned in. "This is going to be so much fun Sungie."

I didn't know what to think in that moment my mind was all over the place and my heart was racing. Of course, I would find him so fucking attractive and be drawn to him while hating his guts at the same time.

"I'm pretty sure I can hear your heart beating Sungie. You have to admit we have something going on here." Hyunjin whispered. "Oh, fuck off Hwang!" I yelled shoving him off me. "Oooh feisty are we. You know Sung I like em that way."

I watched as he stumbled back but that smile never left his face, yeah this definitely is not going to end well.

"Just you wait Sungie things will be different by then end of this trip." Hyunjin laughed.

I rolled my eyes and stormed off to the bathroom slamming the door shut.


Somehow this trip will work in my favor and by the end of it I will turn Jisung's feelings around and instead of hating me he will come to like me.

I have to admit seeing Jisung beneath me was a sight to see and I loved seeing him all flustered and he's so cute when he is angry. His cheeks puff out even more when he gets angry and it's the most adorable thing on this earth.

I wish I knew why he hated me so much; I never understood his hatred towards me, and no one cared to fill me in on it either and I'm pretty sure my friends know something I don't.

When we first met each other at the beginning of high school we became fast friends and all of us were a group of eight. Somehow over the course of those years he slowly started to hate me and by the time we graduated he barely spoke to me.

Sharing a room with him will definitely be an interesting experience, I've never been alone alone with him until now.

So, I'm going to try and not fuck it up.

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