Oh the joys

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Christmas eve was very successful, the boys drank and had good food along with reminiscing and having a little fun along the way.

Jisung and Hyunjin finally talked through stuff with Jisung confessing his feelings to Hyunjin which went very well especially when it leads to a hot make out session. Hyunjin knew how much of a dumbass he was and figured out just how much he wanted Jisung. Jisung let go of his hatred and gave Hyunjin a chance.

Jisung still had worries, but he decided to see how things go whether they ended up in a relationship or just simply had some fling. Having a fling was something he didn't really want but at the same time he didn't know what Hyunjin wanted.

Minho and Felix finally came to terms with their feelings and let them take over. Felix let Minho lead the whole time and that's the way he wanted it. He had no idea what to do especially since this was his first time even kissing let alone making out with a boy.

Minho was nothing short of being gentle and soft, he took his time with Felix while at the same time letting his urges take over. Felix felt everything he should be feeling, everything that happens in the movies was happening to him and he was enjoying it.

Everyone had their own special thing going on and all the boys would be waking up happy in the morning. Christmas day was going to be special, but also bittersweet seeing as the end of the trip is near.

Felix was looking forward to spending Christmas with everyone with eating and drinking, playing games listening to Christmas music and opening presents. Chan had mentioned getting presents and each member had picked something out while they went to town multiple times. Chan and Felix had both brought a few things from Australia to give to their friends as well.

Chan was more than excited to have Felix's Christmas cookies that he only makes during the holidays. Felix was definitely more than happy to have the others try his cookies and waiting to see Minho's reaction.

Christmas was for joy and for friends and family to get together, hopefully everything comes together, and nothing goes wrong.

Will everyone end up together or will something inevitably get in the way?

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