I could get used to this

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Christmas Morning

The time has come for the boys to enjoy and celebrate with each other, not knowing if after this trip they all will stay in contact with one another. Chan hasn't mentioned going back to Australia but considering that's where he is living it is only assumed. Felix has no home other than in Australia so one way or another he will be going back. 

Felix has to make the most out of this trip although Chan hadn't gotten them round trip tickets rather one-way tickets. Felix may have also convinced them to stay at least until the new year just the other day. There were no arguments and Chan was happy that his cousin has taking a liking to his friends and this place. There were so many places Chan wanted to take Felix to but there was only so little time.

Chan knew that going back to Australia also meant leaving his Innie, they may not have dated long distance, but every time Chan made his way back Jeongin was always waiting for him. He knew that it wasn't right for Jeongin to wait for him but there was never any talking him out of it, Chan wanted him to move on with his life and find somebody that could be by his side and love him. Jeognin on the other hand knew that he was meant to be with Chan, and he was going to keep it that way.


Last night had been very memorable and was something I would never forget; Felix and I may not have gotten very far but that was just fine. I wanted Felix to be comfortable and I wanted to be as gentle as possible even though I could tell Felix wanted it just as much as I did.

Just laying here with him snuggled into my side was something I could get use to but was it something that he could get used to?

There were always thing running through my mind and knowing that this trip is almost over with makes me kind of sad. Hyunjin had forced me to go on this trip and Chan basically put me and his cousin together not that I'm complaining now. There was still so much we didn't know about each other especially about each other's pasts.

Will we even get to that point before the end?

As I lay here looking down at his beautiful face, I want nothing more than to keep him all to myself, to make him mine and put my trust into him. Trust was a hard subject for me, and it doesn't come easily, after years of being lied to and used was I ready for the next step?

"Morning." Felix said in a very deep voice. "Damn kitten." I smiled playfully. Just watching him blush is so fucking adorable. "How long have you been watching me sleep?" "For a while now. And no, I am not some weird creeper either." "Hmm... it's not weird. I've never had anyone stare at me so intently." Felix laughed softly.

I titled his chin up and placed my lips to his kissing him softly just enough to taste him but not enough to get heated. "Mhmm... I could wake up every morning like this." Felix nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck. God he couldn't get any cuter.

I looked over at the clock and it only read 5am, I'm pretty sure we don't need to be up for another hour or so. "It's still early." I said. " I don't think anyone is going to be up quite yet why are we?" Felix sighed. "Either way we should just stay like this."

Felix let out a soft hum in response and all of a sudden, I felt his mouth on me kissing up and down my neck. He got just below to my collarbone and bit down lightly sucking on the skin no doubt leaving behind a hickey. 

This confident Felix is by far my favorite.

I decided to test it further, I moved so Felix was on his back pressed into the sheets and I was now straddling him. I pressed kisses to his jaw tilting his head just a bit to kiss down his neck and I could hear Felix's breath hitch. My turn to suck his skin, grazing my teeth over his neck gently biting down and my tongue licking over the bite. Felix let out a soft moan and I flicked my tongue over the hallow of his throat before pushing his shirt to the side to gain access to his collarbone. Sucking on the skin and hearing another moan just slightly louder, something I wanted to remember for a very long time.

"Minho please, fucking kiss me." Felix begged.

I crashed my mouth onto his swallowing Felix's moan, just hearing him beg to be kissed was like music to my ears. Felix's hands flew up to my hair tangling his fingers and pulling me closer to him and as I smiled into the kiss Felix took my tongue between his teeth wanting me just as much as I wanted him.

"Merry Christmas." Felix said into the kiss. "Are you, my gift?" I asked between kisses. Felix pulled away to look at me, a sense of flirt in his eyes but also genuine feelings. "Unwrap me and find out."

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