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"Well, it looks like we are stuck together once again. Do you even know how to drive?" I asked side eyeing Minho. "Yes, I do. My driving skills are impeccable." Minho replied. "I'll be the judge of that." "Well, this is Hyunjin's car so if I wreck it, I wreck it." Minho shrugged while chuckling. "At least Chan could have warmed it up for us." I rolled my eyes.

We got on the road late on account of Hyunjin being a bitch about Minho driving his car, it's like his most precious thing I swear. I couldn't help but notice Minho and how good he looked today damn I should not be thinking such things. The way he concentrates while he's driving and how he bites down on his bottom lip damn.

"You know if you take a picture, it will last longer." Minho smirked. "Um n-no thanks." I looked away out the window knowing his eyes lingered on me before going back on the road.

I swear to God Chan I don't know what you're up to but don't bet on me and Minho.

After a while we finally made it into town and the boys had mentioned they were going to some music store or something and I talked Minho into going to some little art studio up town. I'm actually surprised Minho didn't whine or complain I mean I know nothing about him and what he likes but I guess now is a good time as ever.

I walked over to a wall that had a bunch of prints of the small town and they were mostly of the winter with a few of the summer. It looks like winter is the time to be here and seeing it firsthand I can definitely see why.

"You like photography?" Minho asked walking up next to me. "I've always had an interest in art and photography but never had the chance to go into it." I replied. "Oh?" "Yeah, my parents think it's a waste of time." "So, your parents are one of those who thinks if you're not a doctor or a lawyer then you have no future?" "Yeah, pretty much. But when I get back home, I'll be moving in with Chan and hoping I can get into an arts program at least." "Well as long as you can be your own person and not care what anyone thinks then you're set for life."

I looked over at Minho and I could see the awe in his eyes as he looks up at the pictures and take in account his advice. My parents can't tell me what to do anymore as I am of age like a few years ago and will be moving in with Chan which makes it a lot easier. I wonder if he has had the same experience in life.

"There you go again sunshine." Minho smirked as he faced me. "Sunshine?" I cocked an eyebrow at me. "Mhmm. It suits you." Just the way he stares at me and the way he said sunshine makes me want to... ah fuck.

Get it together Felix you are as straight as can be. Maybe as straight as a circle my inner voice nagged at me.

"Minho?" I asked quietly. "Yeah sunshine?" Minho smiled. "Chan mentioned you were in a bad relationship before?" "Uh yeah something like that." "Oh, I'm sorry." I looked away shyly. "Don't worry about it was months ago. Now come one we got lots to explore."

Minho held out his hand and without hesitation I placed my hand in his and led me out of the studio and out into the cold winter wonderland.

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