Midnight: Goodbye

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"How did you get that picture?" I asked. "Years ago, you and Chan visited his grandparents and Chan had mentioned that he wanted his friends to meet his little cousin." Hyunjin explained.


How did I not remember that years ago Chan told me his parents were nagging him to go visit his grandparents and he would only go if I was able to go with. It was my first time going overseas and I was nervous as all hell not only going to a new place, but Chan kept mentioning his friends and how great they were and wanted me to meet them.

I guess I thought nothing of it, they all look so different now.

The only new face was Minho.

Damn I'm stupid. In all fairness I was going through some stuff back then and after I returned home did my life take a turn. I won't go into details, but I can only think that some of it had to do with when I met Chan's friends.

More like meeting Hyunjin.

"Does anything ring a bell?" Hyunjin asked. "Some of it yeah. How did I forget so easily, all of you I've met before. Why didn't Chan tell me?" I replied. "I guess he thought you would remember us. He never really brought it up though to be honest. Maybe he somewhat forgot too."

I looked up at Hyunjin and the moon was shining down on his face the only light except for the far away bursts of colors from the fireworks. I remember now, he had black hair back then and looked so much younger. I mean we all did, but his face was the most imprinted on my memory.

I thought he was the most attractive out of the bunch back then, Jisung was a cutie though too, but Hyunjin was the one I wanted to get to know.

Some reason I was attracted to him, which I hated the thought of because I had a girl waiting for me back home.

Damn I thought I had issues this time around with Minho but back then was where it really started.

Hyunjin took a few steps towards me and stopped. He titled my chin up with his finger, so I was looking directly at him. I could see the nervousness in his eyes and the worry, I guess he's just as scared as me right now. I don't know what to think of all this, what is he trying to prove here?


"Do you remember on your last night when all of us were together, we were hanging out at Jisung's house, and it was late. We had all spent the entire day together and just after knowing you for a few days I wanted to know you forever." Hyunjin stated. "Chan was having second thoughts that night, he hated the thought of leaving you all again. He felt like he was at home with you all, you guys were his second family." I replied.

He cupped my face with his hands and for some reason I was frozen in pace. I wanted to move but my legs wouldn't listen to me. "When I first saw you here at the cabin, I thought he looks awfully familiar but then again I had never met you before or so I thought. I never thought much of it until the other night when we did our dares and Changbin had brought up the subject to me." "I guess he knows something that you didn't remember?" "You could say that."

We stood there for what seemed like forever but only a few minutes had passed. It was nearing midnight and I just wanted to go back downstairs to my boyfriend and kiss him when the clock struck midnight.


"Felix your last night with Chan was now that I think of it the most memorable. We were all reminiscing about our childhood days and having a few drinks. Some of us were getting rowdy and very drunk and Chan had mentioned that you never drank before then." Hyunjin said. "I never thought much about alcohol, but I figured what the hell there's always a first for everything. I didn't care much for the taste at first but after a while you don't really notice it." I replied.

"Changbin had taken this picture of us that night, he just sent it to me the other night

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"Changbin had taken this picture of us that night, he just sent it to me the other night." Hyunjin showed me the picture from his phone. "Were we really that close?" I asked. "Closer."

That night I have no recollection of until now. It was a memory locked away and for good reasons. I didn't want to think that I could have been into Hyunjin, I had someone waiting for me back home, that someone being a girl and she was sweet and kind and actually liked me.

I've mentioned before that I never had any lasting relationships; she was my first girlfriend after all, but I thought at the time she was everything. I was happy to go back home to her, I tried to think nothing but the thought of seeing her. I didn't want my head to fill up with thoughts of some boy that I barely knew.

Looking at the picture though it brought back the memories.

You would have thought we were actually together, none of the others thought much of it. They were all especially close with one another and often liked cuddling and clinging to each other.

"I knew I was into you the moment we got close, and knowing you were going to be leaving I wanted to just not get attached to you. It was very hard though; you were too cute and sweet. Your deep voice really attracted me to you, but your freckles were it for me." Hyunjin smiled.

He took a step towards me still cupping my face in his hands, at this point I could feel his breath on my lips.

"Hyunjin what are you doing?" I asked. Still frozen in place and I felt like I knew what was coming.

"Something I have to do." Hyunjin said with a hint of an apologetic tone to his voice. "I'm sorry Lix. This won't be the first either, that night started it all. A forgotten memory for both of us."


The clock struck midnight and my phone went off, I couldn't look at it. This was supposed to be my time with Minho, kissing someone at midnight to ring in the new year. I was looking forward to it especially since it would have been my first time.

God he's probably wondering where I am right now.

Without realizing it lips were brushed against mine, Hyunjin still holding me kissing me. Either he was crazy and out of his mind or he was right about not being a first for us.

"Felix! I'm missing out on my kiss!" I heard Minho shouting from a distance. "Feli-" Minho stopped mid-sentence.

The balcony door swung open and in the dark with little light from the moon stood Minho.

As I turned to face him, he was already walking away. "Felix I'm sorry, he wasn't supposed to-" Hyunjin started to say. "Just go." I cut him off.

Hyunjin hesitated before leaving.

Standing here by myself in the cold, I had no one to blame but myself.

I'm so fucking stupid.

Tears streamed down my face; I didn't even have it in me to make a sound. The tears fell silently, and I knew that nothing would fix this. I was worried about my heart being broken but I guess I did it first.

Happy New Year's to me...


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