Loving someone

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"All right since everyone is up and going now, we should probably get all ready and set up." I mentioned. Everyone was still half asleep and it was 11am now, last night was fun and very drunk but at the same time was kept up by some very loud noises. "Ugh can we postpone or something?" Seungmin groaned. "You just can't postpone something like this especially when Chan came all this way for us." Hyunjin said. "Yes, thank you Hyunjin." I replied as Seungmin rolled his eyes.

I had gotten up a bit ago and made everyone breakfast, I would have gone into town, but it had started snowing at some point in the night and only seemed to pick up. Luckily, we got everything a head of time and we were prepared, but having a white Christmas is just as great. "Well, everyone knows their roles and jobs for today so let's make today great and enjoy every minute that we have left together. For now, we can relax, in a few hours we will get things set up for dinner and opening presents." I mentioned.

"Channie! Can I talk to you?" Felix yelled for me. "Uh sure?" I replied. Felix led me to the small study and closed the door behind him. Must be serious if the door is being closed.

I took a seat on the chair, and I watched as Felix paced the room. "Lix come on, just tell me what's on your mind." I motioned for him to sit down. "I know you told me Minho had a bad breakup but I'm sensing it was way worse than that." Felix said. "Has he not said anything?" "No. I asked him, but he didn't want to bring anything up that would ruin the mood, he said he is as happy as he's ever been right now. I mean he said I had a right to know and would tell me." "Then he will tell you Lix, just give him this right now. I never really knew much expect for what Hyunjin mentioned here and there. As far as I know he was miserable for months and would never leave his house. It's not my place to tell you."

Felix stood up and walked over to the window and sighed running his hands through his hair in frustration. This is all new to him and I can tell he cares about Minho, but Minho needs to be the one to tell him not me or from anyone else. "Chan, is loving someone hard?" Felix asked quietly. 

I pondered the thought for a moment, I can't say I've really ever been in love, so I don't want to give him false hope. "Nothing is easy about love. It comes in all shapes and form, it can be hard or easy, it can be scary at the same time. You have to want to be there for them and care for them, you have to make sure they are giving you everything in return. You can't give your all and not get anything back. Loving someone is not all it's cracked up to be." I explained. "How do you know if its fake?" Felix asked.

I got up and walked over to Felix putting my hand on his shoulder as if to reassure him even though I know I can't give him the answer he wants. "Some people can be very good at faking their emotions or feelings. You shouldn't always have to be on guard, you'll know when you like someone or if you love them. Knowing if they love you, back is a different story. Minho knows firsthand about being used and not actually being loved. All I will tell you is Minho thought he was in the perfect relationship, that's how it seemed for the first couple of months. As more months went by, he started noticing things but wanted to ignore them because he just wanted to be loved and thought that he wasn't giving his all. In reality he blamed himself and until he finally realized that it wasn't him, but it was too late."

Felix turned around and I noticed that his eyes were watery, this is not how I wanted him to spend his Christmas. He must really care about Minho; Felix may have had a bad relationship but it's nothing compared to Minho's. Felix is always happy and bubbly, rarely do you see him sad or down and you definitely don't want him angry at you though.

"Wait until after today, just spend the day with him and be happy. It's Christmas and we all deserve to have a good time. I mean after hearing you guys' last night, I know you had a good time." I smirked. "Mhmm I suppose we did." Felix playfully hit my arm. "There's that smile. Now wipe your eyes and go be all lovey dovey with your man." "He's not my man... yet. Besides who knows if this is real or just some fling. I mean we will be leaving soon." "Come on Lix, everything will be okay. Minho likes you, and we will figure that out when the time comes. Besides I was thinking of waiting until New Years anyways." I winked.

Felix lit up at that and I will do everything I can to make sure they have some sort of relationship happening. They both deserve it and knowing Felix finding himself right now he definitely needs this.

He couldn't have picked anyone better.

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