Drunken nights

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"All right fuckers listen up! There will be no more sad ugly faces and there will be no more angsty bitches either. We are going to celebrate tonight and think of this as pregame before New Years's Eve." I excitedly exclaimed.

"Damn so aggressive." Jeongin said. Everyone chuckled, and this will be a trip we won't forget.

Tonight, we celebrate not only to make up for our Christmas but to celebrate all of us being here together as a group and as a family. We celebrate Minho and Felix's relationship and the hardship they went through.

I am however going to celebrate the fact that Jisung and I are official and how blind I was all those years. He never gave up on me despite how much he tried hating me, but in the end our feelings came out.

"If you tell me there's another game of truth or dare, I will make sure you sleep with one eye open tonight." Seungmin glared at me. "Oh, Minnie you're no fun and now all of us are in relationships so we can have even more fun!" I smirked. "How does us being in relationships make it more fun?" JIusng asked me.

Oh, they have no idea or either they don't remember how we were back in the days, I mean if you only saw our group chats, you'd know. One way or another we all had some type of thing for each other as weird as it sounds. Not knowing about Felix back then, I always found Seungmin cute and of course secretly thought my Sung was cute as well. Minho always had a thing for Chan back then and Chan always vied for Jeongin's attention, but he kept his sights on Seungmin. Changbin sort of had the hots for me but I must have been really blind to see that one.

We were always at some sort of party in high school and our college days and got super drunk, Minho was the only exception of not being around very much. He did always have to hear about it though, I annoyed him endlessly about my drunken nights with the guys in hopes to keep his mind off of things.

I looked over at Jisung and gave him a you have no idea look. "Oh, my little squirrel, am I the only one who remembers?" "Hyunjin really? Are you referring to the times when we got drunk at parties and did god knows what." Chan looked at me questionably. "You know what I'm talking about then!" "I'm confused." Felix looked over at me.

Damn that cute innocent face is everything. Minho you better take good care of him.

"If I remember right in one of Hyunjin's drunken rants there was a threesome among Seungmin, Chan and Hyunjin." Minho grinned. "What the actual fuck." Jisung said. "Oh yeah I remember now. And Changbin was caught making out with Jeognin too." Seungmin snickered. "Glad I didn't do anything stupid." Jisung replied.

If only you knew Han Jisung. And if Minho knew as well.

Isn't this fun! Revealing old embarrassing moments that everyone forgot, wonder if there will be any jealousy later on or better yet significant others ignoring each other. I think Seungmin is wearing off on me.

Everyone grew silent for a moment, "Did Minho do anything?" Felix asked innocently. "Oh, Lixie even he doesn't remember but I can revive that memory." I replied. He looked genuinely concerned. "What could I have possibly done? I lived like a shut in for months remember not to mention was in a relationship and barely knew the guys." Minho said. "Hyunjin do tell please." Felix said with a curiousness in his eyes.

I looked over at Minho who definitely looked like he was going to pass out like he knew but didn't want to relive or was just dumb. "It was actually after your breakup when I tried to get you to go out and do something. We all got together for dinner then went to a karaoke room and sang to our hearts content while getting drunk of course. It was the first time I saw you let loose and be yourself in a long time." I started. "Hmm maybe that's why I don't remember." Minho complained.

I kept looking over at Felix who was just taking everything in, the last thing I wanted to do was mess up their relationship.

"Minho kept mentioning how hot Chan was that night and how good he looked, I'm pretty sure you said he smelled amazing too. Anyways few songs in and maybe 10 shots down and a few beers everyone was having a good time and one minute Minho was singing with me the next minute I look over he has his tongue down Chan's throat." I continued.

The look on Chan's face was priceless as he spit out his drink and Jeongin kind of side eyed him while Minho had the look of pure horror on his face. Felix surprisingly enough burst into laughter not even being phased by it.

"That reminds me, once Chan had mentioned he made out with someone, and it was the best that he's ever had. It was like a Cinderella moment but without the glass slipper." Felix looked over at his cousin who was just giving him the death glare. "I must have been really drunk then." Minho said. "Oh no it gets better my dear friend. After I witnessed Chan being blitzed out almost by your make out session, I find you heading over to Jisung. You practically gave him a lap dance as Seungmin made it rain with money and Jisung was all over it enjoying himself actually. I had to witness you not make out with one of our best friends but with another one as well." 

Jisung looked like he saw a ghost just then. Bringing up old memories was actually fun and me being the only one to mostly remember such things was even better. We had so many stories and so many laughs throughout our years of friendship and I can add this trip to those memories and Minho is a part of it.

"Well shit." Chan laughed. "Looks like Minho here is a fun drunk." Changbin said. "How do I not remember this!?" Jisung shouted. "I dunno but you sure were enjoying the lap dance." I smirked. "Are you okay Lix?" Minho asked looking lovingly over at his boyfriend. "I am actually, I'm glad to be a part of this and getting to know more about you despite whatever it is, I'm not going anywhere." Felix replied.

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