Let the games begin!

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Christmas music started playing in the background and the food and snacks had been set out on the coffee table in the living room where everyone gathered around. Seungmin and Changbin brought in the alcohol from the kitchen and set it down on the floor. Chan and Hyunjin had started up the fireplace with the soft glow from the fire and warmth filling up the room.

When everyone got situated in their spots Chan started reminiscing about Christmas and all the traditions, he did with his family back home and Felix chimed in on some of those stories. Felix spent a lot of time with Chan and his family, and he wouldn't have changed a damn thing.

Jisung kept quiet in the corner taking in every word they were saying and just munching away on some snacks wishing he had the same dynamic that Chan and Felix had. Sure, he had his family, but they didn't care for him being gay which meant slowly they just kind of phased out their own son. No one really knew of his family life, and he kept it that way. Only one of the many reasons he hated or more so envied Hyunjin, he had the best life and a loving family not to mention everyone here in this group.

Jisung was a part of the same group but not in the same way, he only met them mostly in high school or so got noticed by them. Changbin thought Jisung was cool, so he pretty much suggested that Jisung be a part of their friend group. He thought it was out of pity, but Jisung came to realize he had some stuff in common with them. Soon enough he was introduced to Hyunjin and immediately took a liking to him not only because of his looks but also because of his personality. Hyunjin was sweet and kind and sometimes full of himself, but he was also the biggest drama queen in the school and Jisung loved that about him.

Jiusng kept looking over at Hyunjin that did not go unnoticed by Chan though or Felix for that matter. Needless to say, when game time came Chan had an idea and he made sure to get them together somehow.

While everyone was getting a buzz going and eating while talking about their favorite Christmas movies "Alright bitches game time!" Seungmin yelled. "About damn time." Jeongin chimed in. "So, what's the first game?" Hyunjin asked curiously. "Hmmm... drinking game first to get us more confident." Seungmin replied. "Have you seen our group chats? Do you really think we need a confidence booster?" "Well, that's over text this is real life, of course people will act all confident when no one can see them." Hyunjin rolled his eyes and just nodded to get the game started.

The game started out slow pretty much just playing a card game where it gave you stupid things to do or confess to and had to take shots or chug your drink and so on. By the time Seungmin thought everyone was good to go he then suggested the oh so cliche game of truth or dare. Some suggested seven minutes in heaven but then again once they go behind closed doors who's to say they would do anything.

They kind of cleared the living room floor and moved the table leaving some of the snacks and alcohol. Everyone then shuffled from their previous positions and sat down on the floor. Chan pulled Jeongin close to him as did Changbin with Seungmin which left the other four. Felix saddled up next to Minho with Jisung on the other side of him and Hyunjin sat on the other side of Minho.

"Well, the games begin!" Jeongin yelled.

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