All good things come to an end

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Felix had no idea what he was in for with Minho now, he may have seemed antisocial and very awkward at the beginning but once being with his friends again he has come out of his shell. Felix on the other hand is seeing this side of Minho more and more but what Minho didn't know is that Felix can be just as a tease. Get him going and there's no turning back.

As Christmas eve was approaching the boys were getting very excited and Seungmin along with Jeongin were definitely up to something to say the least. They had plans and wanted to create a little chaos.

Just a day before some of the boys had made a trip into town to get last minute stuff and Changbin and Minho were out getting some firewood. Felix had stayed back inside and started preparing his baked goods and making sure he had everything he needed especially for their Christmas dinner. Chan had Jeongin and Seungmin with him in town and boy it was like looking after two toddlers.

Hyunjin was in his room playing music as he was just chilling and taking some time to himself. Jisung on the other hand was doing everything not to interact with Hyunjin except when it came to sleeping as they had to share the room and bed. Jisung was walking towards the room when he heard the soft music playing and the voice singing. He knew right away it was Hyunjin, he forgot what he sounded like it was one of the things he loved about him in high school not that he would ever admit it.


His voice was something else, he won countless awards and competitions when he was in middle school and high school, and I could never get enough of it. I stood there in the doorway now just listening to him sing not even noticing I was standing there. His features were always visually appealing, from his long blonde hair to his soft brown eyes and the small mole just beneath his eye made him even more beautiful. He had the most chaotic laugh and was always dramatic, but he was also the sweetest.

I liked Hyunjin and that's all there was too it, but he would never know. If any of the rumors were true in high school, he was the school's playboy as others called him. I never wanted to believe it but every time I saw him there was always some random ass bitches hanging around him and he took in all the attention. I never knew what his sexuality was and the more I saw him kissing girls in the hallways to the rumors of him fucking girls in empty classrooms made me hate him.

He never saw me as more than just a friend and it bothered me; I may be being selfish, but I wanted him to notice me like he noticed all those girls. I was jealous it was as simple as that. Never once did I ever hear about him with any guy it was always girls, so I knew I had no chance from the beginning. 

As high school dragged on, I began to distance myself from him and he barely seemed bothered by it. Sure, we hung out when it was all of us as a group but that was it and even then, our interactions were barely even there.

What hurt the most was he didn't even realize what he was doing. He didn't notice me becoming more distant or being quieter than usual during our group hangouts. In all honestly, I can't blame him entirely because he had no idea how I felt.

No one really did.

The door must have creaked or something because Hyunjin shot his head up bringing me out of my daze. "Oh hey." Hyunjin smiled. "You still sing?" I asked softly. "Not like I use too." "Don't ever stop." After I realized what I said I shyly looked away. 

I walked into the room and sat down next to him as he began to hum to a different song. I looked down at my hands in my lap and just twiddled my thumbs, but I could get the sense that he was now looking at me. "Why do you hate me so much?" Hyunjin asked curiously. I looked up at him and there was no sign of joking around or teasing he was genuinely curious.

I sighed and just looked at him knowing that at some point he would ask me and frankly I didn't know if I wanted to tell him. "I have my reasons." I said plainly. "Ji... we use to be close, but ever since high school ended its like you completely shut me out." Hyunjin stated. "You wouldn't understand." "Try me."

Why do I feel like everything is going to come crashing down?

I scooted closer to Hyunjin and placed my hand on his chest slightly pushing him down onto the bed and hovered over him. I leaned my face in closer to his and he looked at me with surprise and confusion. I moved my hand up to cup his cheek and I looked at him, my eyes scanned over his face and fell on his lips and then back up to his eyes. 

I realized this is the closest I've ever been to him not counting me falling asleep on him a few days ago. His body was stiff beneath mine and he didn't know what to do honestly surprised he hasn't thrown me off yet. "Hyunjin, my reason for hating you is something for me to live with. You have no idea how much I just want to be near you again and close with you like we used to be." "Jisung... help me understand please." Hyunjin pleaded.

I shifted my position, so I was now on top of Hyunjin basically straddling him, where I got this confidence from is beyond me. Hyunjin literally had no idea what to think or do so I helped him out a bit. I brought his hands and placed them on my waist, and I let my thumb trace over his bottom lip feeling him shiver at my touch.

I leaned in and pressed my lips to his, it was a gentle kiss barely a kiss at that before I pulled away. Hyunjin looked at me but not with hatred or disgust but rather like a deer caught in the headlights. He had no idea what to do, I had no idea what was running through his head. I was about to get off of him when he pulled me back down and smashed his lips against mine.

I know in my head this is wrong but at the same time I didn't want it to end.

The kiss was rough and messy but passionate.

Never in a million years would I think I would be kissing Hyunjin the person who I cherish the most but yet hate at the same time.

He moved his mouth with mine like we were in sync, and we fought over dominance, but I lost when he bit down on my bottom lip causing me to whimper and gave him more access as he slipped his tongue inside my mouth.

It was like I was on cloud nine, but all good things come to an end.

Hyunjin pulled away only now realizing the position we were in and pulled me off of him. He got up from the bed and ran his hands through his hair in frustration, he looked over at me with the one look I never wanted to see from him.


Before I knew it my eyes were already swelling with tears, and I got up from the bed and ran for the door only to stop and turn around. "Now you know. I hated you for many reasons, but I hated myself for liking one of my best friends." My voice cracked and I ran from the room.

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