Dare to do

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With Hyunjin's little story telling time he was definitely getting the glares and the side eye from his friends, but as the night went on and drinks, were being downed everyone was forgetting and loosening up. Felix was highly amused by the memories being shared by Hyunjin and the rest and was starting to feel like he fit in.

Minho kept Felix close to him but not trying to be the clingy boyfriend, Jisung was perched in Hyunjin's lap whereas Jeongin was sat between Chan's legs resting his back against his chest and Seungmin was clinging onto Changbin.

"Ya! Remember the time Jisung was dared to dress up as a girl and was told to go to a party on the college campus?" Seungmin blurted. "Oh right! He was so embarrassed." Changbin chuckled. "Better yet one of the frat boys was hitting on him." "No shit really?" Minho asked while trying to hold in his laughter.

Jisung threw his slipper at Seungmin who dodged it of course, "Oh my god the guy actually tried to kiss you if I'm not mistaken." Hyunjin laughed. Jisung turned to look at Hyunjin who was laughing so hard and glared at him. "Come on baby it was hilarious." "It was embarrassing as all hell!" Jisung shouted. "I mean you did make a pretty girl." Hyunjin said. Jisung hit Hyunjin upside the head but did not expect Hyunjin to push him off his lap falling straight on the floor.

"Aw look it was like the other night when Jisung was thrown off Hyunjin when they ended up sleeping together on the couch." Changbin said. "And if I'm not mistaken that is the same look as it was then." Chan laughed. "You are all dead to me." Jisung groaned.


It's things like this when I feel at home, not only with my cousin but with my boyfriend and all his friends. It feels like I am a part of this family now and I'm okay with that. I never would have expected to end up with Minho and now I know after this trip I will have an amazing boyfriend and five new friends.

Hearing all their stories and bringing up old memories was definitely enjoyable, there were times though when Minho's face fell knowing that most of those times, he was not a part of, and I could see that he felt left out. It hurts my heart knowing what he went through and that most of his friends don't know the half of his story, but knowing Chan was a part of taking care of his ex and Hyunjin bringing Minho on this trip was truly the best Christmas gift I could ask for.

When we did our gift sharing early in the day everyone was truly happy with everything and no matter how small or big the gifts were everyone was grateful just to be here together. Watching Minho receive his gifts was truly a sight to see, he was surprised to get anything from anyone because he didn't really keep in touch with them.

I know Hyunjin made sure that his best friend would have the best Christmas and just hearing Minho say I was the best thing that he could get was something I'll never forget.

The night went on with more drinking and storytelling, not one of us were showing signs of slowing down or getting tired. 

"Alright time to spice things up!" Jeongin shouted. "Yes, let's go!" Jisung yelled clearly drunk.

We all gathered around on the floor in a circle, I don't expect anything anymore with these guys so I'm curious to know what's going to happen. "Truth or dare but minus the truth." Jeongin smirked. "Seriously?" Chan side eyed his boyfriend. "Yes, old man." Jeongin replied.

Hyunjin burst into laughter along with Seungmin even I couldn't keep my laughter in, Chan wasn't wrong when they teased him about being older than them.

"Great, let's go!" Jisung cheered.

The dares mostly consisted of taking shots or chugging our drinks, making random phone calls to people and even texting exes or posting wild Instagram posts. It was a very laid-back game of dare I guess but I was waiting for it.

Waiting for the inappropriate dares to come and boy when they did, they did.

Hyunjin was dared to strip and dance, while Jisung was dared to strip Minho of his clothes. You'd think I'd be jealous, but it was actually quite hilarious watching a very drunk squirrel taking Minho's clothes off. Hyunjin had to dance to a song until it was over then he could put his clothes back on. After Minho's clothes were off, he had to grind against Jisung for a whole song and just watching Jisung hide his face in embarrassment was priceless.

Seungmin was dared to make out with Jeongin and they both had to act like they were into it, hands all over each other type of thing. That wasn't so bad Changbin was looking a little jealous and Chan just kept a straight face. After their dare Changbin was told to send nudes to a random person on his contact list and they did not disappoint.

Chan played it safe and dared me to give my man a lap dance and act like me and Minho were the only two in the room. I was a little afraid at first, but Minho guided me and eventually it felt like we were the only two in the room. "Damn I feel like I'm watching some sort of scene from a movie." Jisung mumbled. "Fuck they could go 50 shades right now and I'd be okay with it." Seungmin said. "Well, I would not be okay with watching my cousin get it on right here with my best friend. So, my dear cousin you can stop now." Chan groaned.

Minho gently pushed me off him and held me close as I buried my face into his chest. "Channie you're the only one left." I spoke. "Ah yeah he hasn't done anything yet." Hyunjin snickered.

Chan rolled his eyes; it was clear his fun ended some time ago and he had to keep an eye on us or his children as he would put it. "Chan, I dare you to seduce your first crush here in this room." Hyunjin said.

Chan got up and made his way over to Seungmin. He held his hand out and Seungmin took it, standing up Chan walked them over an empty area of the room. I watched among the rest of us as Chan leaned in Whispering something in Seugnmin's ear making him blush hard while Chan placed his hand on the small of his back pushing Seungmin up against him. 

Just that interaction right there had Seungmin all shy and seemingly turned on, Changbin was very cautious of the two but kept his cool. This was all fun and games and we are all close with one another, and in all reality this all seems normal to me as weird as it sounds.

For the end of the dare Chan pressed kisses against Seungmin's neck making his legs practically jelly but Chan kept his hold on him. "Don't forget this Minnie, I could have gone a lot harder on you." Chan whispered with a smirk.

Chan went back to his seat and pulled Jeongin into his lap. "Damn that was hot." Jeongin said. "Fuck it was." Jisung chimed in. "But not as hot as Felix and Minho's interaction." Changbin said. "Agreed." Hyunjin replied.

The night ended with everyone pretty much gone and Chan making sure everyone got to their rooms and in bed. Needless to say, everyone ended up with their significant other.

Sad that I was only dared once or that no one else was dared to do something with me.

Or was that the end of the dares?

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