Of all days to ruin

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Seems like all is going well, I never thought I'd be sharing kisses with Jisung the one boy who hated me so much. It never occurred to me the reason why until he told me everything and fuck did, I feel stupid how did I not know what was in front of me all along?

I never gave him the time of day and all this time he suppressed his feelings for me until now. Truthfully, I am happy I never liked going from fling to fling or hell just getting laid every other night wasn't much fun either. It feels good to know that someone will be waiting for you at the end of the day, someone who will annoy you constantly and deal with it because you want to. Having someone by your side and even getting jealous of you hanging around other people because they just want you and your attention.

I don't mind any of that really, I might not want to settle down but just dating someone until you're ready for the next step doesn't seem all that bad.

Watching Jisung now just goofing off with the others, how did I not notice it before? He's the cutest squirrel I've ever seen and he's mine now. This is indeed one of the best Christmas's I've had and with none other than my friends.

"Jisung! Don't neglect me now." I pouted. "Aw is someone being clingy?" Jisung chuckled as he made his way over to me. "Well, I do have to share you now with everyone, but as your boyfriend I should come first." "Since when am I your boyfriend? I never agreed to that." Jisung smirked.

I looked up at Jisung and pulled him into my lap earning a small squeal from him. "Do you not want to be my boyfriend?" I asked. "What do I get out of this?" Jisung raised his brows in question. With his cheeks puffed out in slight annoyance god he was cute. 

I cupped his cheek with my hand turning his head slightly, so he was facing me better and I pressed my lips against his. It was sweet and gentle not that I would have mind if things heated up but considering everyone is here I better not. Jisung melted into the kiss and brought his arms up wrapping them around my neck. I pulled away and pressed my forehead against his "This comes with being my boyfriend. So, take it or leave it." "I'll gladly take it." Jisung whispered.

"Ugh get a room you two!" Seungmin shouted throwing a pillow at us. "Yeah no one wants to see that shit." Changbin laughed. "So, when it's Minho and Felix making googley eyes at each other its okay, but we can't kiss?" I huffed.

I threw the pillow back at them and rolled my eyes in annoyance. I looked over at Minho who didn't know what to say and Felix well he looked embarrassed as all hell. "You two are old news. We were waiting for them to get together." Jeongin said. "Wow! Fuck you guys." I hollered. "Aw is someone jealous?" Jisung looked at me with a smile. "What? No... why would I be?" "Because you're not the center of attention anymore babe." "How sweet he called you babe." Minho chuckled. "You got something better than that pet name Lee Know?" I raised my brows at my best friend.


I laughed at my best friend who was clearly very jealous now, he's always so use to being the center of attention and now it shifted off of him. I mean I don't want to be either and I'm sure Felix doesn't want to be but here we are.

I looked over at Felix who was getting very red in the face and I'm only going to make it worse for him. Either he will hate me or... he will hate me.

"Actually, I do have a better pet name." I walked over to Felix who was standing near the fireplace putting up the stockings last minute. "Let's hear it Minho!" Chan yelled.

I grabbed Felix by the waist and pulled him closer to me, fuck he's so red right now in the face and it only makes him that much more adorable, and his freckles stand out even more. Felix brought his eyes up to mine and held his gaze with mine "What do you say kitten? I think it suits you rather well." I smirked.

He playfully shoved me aside and walked away. "Damn Min, didn't know you could be so kinky." Seungmin bluntly said. "Oh, you don't know anything there Minnie." I winked. "I knew it!" Changbin yelled. "Ok as much as I love you two together, I don't need to hear about your kinky shit." Chan grumbled.

I just shrugged my shoulders and made my way over to the kitchen where a very annoyed and embarrassed kitten ran off to. Felix was leaning against the counter arms crossed looking very pissed off actually.

"I'm sorry Lix. I didn't mean to embarrass you." I said standing in front of him. I tilted his chin up so I could look at him better and to my surprise he was actually crying. 


"It's not that." Felix said quietly. "Then what is it?" I replied cupping his face in my hands wiping his tears with my thumbs. "I don't want to get my hopes up Minho."

I was actually confused as to what he meant by this. Only I could turn a good day or a good mood into a fucking bad one just leave it to me to fuck things up.

I stepped back giving him some space and as he looked up at me, I knew he was scared of something or worried. "You know this whole thing is new to me. We both have had crappy relationships and as much as I would like to start something new..." Felix started. "You think I'm going to toss you to the side? Do you think I just used you for sex and then would never want anything to do with you again?" I said angrily.

There was a silence that seemed to go on forever.

"What if I do think that."

Those words were not what I was expecting to hear at all especially from him.

Well Lee Minho you sure know how to be a fuck up.

I turned around and stormed off to God knows where in this not so small cabin and I'm sure everyone heard at least some of what was said.

I swore to myself I would never let what happen to me happen to anyone else especially if I was in a relationship with them. No one deserves to go through what I did.

Holiday GetawayHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin