Chapter 27

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The light of my phone hits my eyes, late night darkness spreads around me. It's almost 1am and I'm over this damn party.

The subtle sounds of the water in the pool, and the small movements keep me company as I'm left alone outside with my thoughts.

I thought I had all my assaulters in line, I thought all I had to do was beat the fuck out of them and get vengeance for Alaiyah.  But now I'm taken back about three steps, and need to find the third assaulter. For all I know they're not even friends with the others anymore. Maybe it was some random friend.

My hands rub over my face, and I brush back my frizzy hair, resting my hands on the curves of my neck. Stress sits on my chest, unsure how to move from here.

Despite this, I'm relieved to know Ace isn't the bad guy I was afraid he would be. Mateo must be just as relieved as I am.

Mateo said he's got to get home and get ready for an early morning assignment for his dad. Meaning he has to assassinate someone who did his dad dirty.

Right now he's inside enjoying the party with the rest of the guys. Wouldn't be suprised if he's fucking Haley right now. Quite frankly I don't give a shit. I just shouldn't have let Mateo Askade kiss me, thinking I was different.

The music in the background fades as I keep my eyes on the ripples of the illuminated water. Rain drops that fall from up above plop against the water.

A soft smile appears on my face, watching the rain fall. Rain fall always makes me feel calm, at ease. If anything can cure my anxiety, it's the rain.

Alaiyah would always dance in the rain with me, that's something we shared. Our love for the rain. Especially on days where we'd get shit from our dad, when the rain would fall, we'd leave the house together, and let the cold water wash away the pain that he'd inflict on us.

Now every time it rains, I can't help but think of my sister. My best friend. But I also can't help but think of my father either. It would be bittersweet almost.

I'm up on my feet and walking around the huge backyard, letting the rain fall on me. Novacane by Frank Ocean is heard in the house, Alaiyahs favourite song. Somehow it fits the ambiance, but it doesn't at the same time. Either way, I'm vibing by myself if the rain, lighting up a cigarette and enjoying this moment.

I take a long drag of the cigarette, inhale the toxicity in my lungs, that's so bad but feels so good, and exhale the smoke.

I still can't feel my face, but imma smoke it anyway

And I find myself dancing, imagining Alaiyah beside me as tears bubble up on my waterline.

Doing a two step on the wet grass like I would with Alaiyah, in this moment- I just want to have no worries. Just for a moment.

Can't feel a thing, I can't feel a thing.

Another drag, letting the tears fall, and letting myself feel the coldness on my skin.

It hurts, but hurts so good. I'd rather feel this than anything else I could be feeling right now.

Another heavy exhale, throwing my head back to let the tears fall on my face and wash away my anxiety.

"Enjoying the rain?" I turn around to the voice that appears suddenly.

"Sebastian" I sigh "Jesus"

"Sorry" he chuckles "I just saw you out in the rain and thought I should call you inside. But you seem to be enjoying it" he smiles.

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