Chapter 16

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I found out that the band have more uses than just announcing instructions.

If you're able to put on a show, you get a little amount of coins. You can use these coins to buy in its shop, and they'll magically appear somehow on your location. The products that appear in the screen are only those you can afford.

"Magically appear?"

"Yeah, like it just appears on where you're standing and nicely wrapped too. You'll immediately know its yours cause your name will be boldly printed on the card."

"But magically appear? How does that work?"

"You are required to not look basically. Like, you go to an empty room or just close your eyes, then you'll hear a ping that signals your package arrived." Elise sips on her coffee. "But it doesn't work when you're in the woods. You need to be inside of an infrastructure to purchase an order."

I poured hot water onto the cup. I look over the cupboard which displays a variety of powdered coffee, I tore one and watched as the powder dissolved and made the water turn into black coffee. "Which means they have trackers on us, and possibly cameras everywhere."

"Yes... You don't have to drink that. There should be milk there."

I glance at her before I took a sip. "Its okay, I dont like it when its too sweet."

Elise was about to say something when Christine knocked on the door. She was standing on the doorstep, she pushed her dirty blond hair behind her ears and her glasses almost fell and I caught a glimpse of her eyes. But she wore them quick, and her big brown eyes became too small. The thick lenses clearly hides her beauty.

"Gather around in the living room."she then walked away, and surprisingly Cody is still clinging onto her.

"I guess we should go" She hopped off from her chair.

Elise quickly disapeared from the room, before I followed them I tapped my band twice and it glitches into blue light. I was frightened for a moment, I thought it will electrify me just like the boy before but like how Elise showed it didnt. In the blue screen, a number should glow in a yellow font. The number 6 flickered on El's screen, when I saw mine a thought came across me.

Maybe Im not boring after all.

We're sitting in the living room, crammed on wooden chairs and sitting with a heavy air of discomfort. Christine said we should wait for the others to return, Lucas and Kurt are apparently the ones in charge of todays roving.

I havent met them yet, but I felt a huge relief knowing that they're alright.

"Kennedy, right?" Nails with pink nail-polish tapped on my knee. Sweet fragrance followed around her, and thick foundation covered her already perfect skin. Still, Natalie is one of the top three, her brain is as brilliant as her looks.

"Yes, and Natalie?"

She giggled, fluttering her eyelashes towards the girl beside her. "Hear that, Lisa? She knows me."

"Who wouldnt know you. You're literally perfect, Natalie" Lisa gushed over. She grabbed on a fan and started fanning Natalie as if it was a needed effect. It's evident that she reverred her fabulous lifestyle. She also had her nails done in pink, and her perfume as strong.

"Nothing much happened her, Im gonna say it's a bit boring. But what about you? You were alone there, right? How was it?"

This time everyone started to pay attention. 7 pair of eyes are watching me, waiting for my answer. Even Elise, who tried to avoid the topic eagerly peered.

"Someone was chasing me." I started. I wanted to know who the boy was, his soft touch still lingers on my wrist, and his soft blue eyes... they were wet with tears when he saw the red marks on my neck. "Blue eyes, blond hair, and an old scar across his lips. A murderer."

The air became tense. Their eyes drift between each other, now they know that the murder is real.

"Do we have someone like that? I dont remember a scar." Natalie wondered.

"What about that Rie guy?" Lisa blurted, her eyes flickered from side to side. "I wouldn't be surprise if he has that much anger deep in him. He doesn't have friends and he kept wearing a mask over his mouth."

This must be why I don't remember him. His looks could've rivaled the girls and he would've left a deep expression, but currently, people barely remember him. If they could've known, how beautiful and kind he is but also as dangerously tempting.

"Rie." His name rolled on Christine's tongue. Even his name is beautiful. "Why do you think he's a murderer?"

I shivered from her stares, it's as if she doesn't trust me. But I answered anyway, carefully picking my words to sound less brutal.

"I was locked up in the Staff's dorm. Femi's corpse was there." I gulped, I don't want to talk more. "Karl he... He was saving me for when he finished up all of Femi's"

Elise heaved, covering her mouth with her hand. But she couldn't take it, she vomited on her hand and dark brown liquid splattered all over the floor.


"And then what happened?" Christine interrupted before I could go to El.

I look back and forth. I wanted to go to El, to help her, but Christine stares down at me. Her brows turning to a scowl.

"Rie saved you, didn't he?"


"Why did he save you, Kennedy?"

"Wha- I...I don't know!"

"Why did he save you?"

"How would I know!"

I realized that everyone is now looking at me, even Elise had stop puking and watching me with careful eyes.

When my gaze returned to Christine, I already knew what she was gonna say.

"I don't think you're welcome here, Kennedy"

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