CODE: The School Kings

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'Maybe we can show Aunt Freak face that she messed with the wrong twins' Raymond said bringing out a small red bag which had a small yellow rope stitched around its entrance.

'What's that?' Juliet asked

'its herbs, just Riander, Seil and fairies' magic dust' Raymond answered

'Riander? as in the lie herb and Seil, the truth herb?' Juliet asked to confirm.

'Yes, what else would they be? the only difference is that this one is grounded to powder' Raymond said and smiled at his hand work, no, his mom's.

'What are you doing with Riander, Juliet' Sean asked his look would have been stern but it was blank.

'I use it in school when I sneak out because I'm bad at lying' Juliet said in a quiet voice with her head bowed.

'What does it do?' Clint asked

'We are about to find out' Raymond smirked and left for dinner.

At dinner, Aunt Julie wasn't really surprised to see them, she had seen them when they made their entrance from her room window which was adjacent to the entrance but she was surprised the Cian decided to show up for dinner.

'I thought you wouldn't show up for dinner with us' Aunt Julie said as she cut her steak into tiny pieces

'Your words aren't enough to stop me from eating with Grandma' Cian said with a smirk on his face.

When Julie was halfway into her food, Raymond nodded to Anna and it began.

'Ahhh!' Anna screamed jumping close to her mom,

'What is it?' Julie asked she seemed alarmed

'I..I..I think a climbed my leg, it's still under the table' Anna said frightening and Julie bent under the table while the others leaned back to check if the rat is there. As Julie bent underneath the table, Raymond opened the red bag and magically lifted it above Julie's wine cup and poured some. The magic dust added to the powdered herbs made it transparent when it touch a substance or a surface that is not charmed.

When Julie was done inspecting the long table Raymond had accomplished his task.

'Honey, there is no rat under the table, if there were, the vampires here would have would have heard their movement, so it's just your imagination' Julie said placing her hands on Anna's shoulder, Anna nodded and sat back on her seat. Julie drank her wine as she ate, then the outcome began, she wanted to say that "the vampires in our midst can't use their abilities to save us instead they kill us",

'Vampires ability are the most useful and important ability, I even need one' came out instead, Grandma and Grandpa turned to her, that's when she noticed what she said,

"Vampires are evil"

'Vampire are great' came out instead

'What did you do to me!' Aunt Julie shouted sending the boys a glare.

'Riander, Seil and magic dust did the trick, a complementing concoction' Raymond said with his usual smile,

'Cian, you have really good friends' Julie said and immediately covered her mouth, Juliet and Anna tried holding back their laughing but failed miserably, their laughter sounded loudly in the silent dinning hall.

'My sister gave birth to the best twin ever and they have amazing friends who are so charming' Julie said and Raymond burst into laughter, Clint joined and Cian follow, Asher chuckled and for the first time in a long time Sean face obeyed him and gave a smile that surprises Juliet who immediately stopped laughing.

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