What happened that night

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'Trevor, let me introduce you to my twin brother, Cian' little Clint said putting his small arm on Trevor's shoulder as little Cian and Asher approaches.

'He's your brother?' Trevor asked in disgust.

'Don't you see the resemblance? we are obviously identical' Clint said pointing at his face and Cian's face.

'No, I don't, you look good but he looks...weak, thin and ill like a sickler, your parents might have not cared enough to let him come outside' Trevor said wrinkling his nose in disgust.

'It actually seemed like they sneaked out' Clint teased.

Cian and Asher actually sneaked out of the house, Cian was feeling stuffy of always staying at home and being monitored by the doctor because he was sick, always sick. Trevor stepped closer and Cian flinched backwards, Trevor's other friends came closer too. Asher has been holding Cian's hand since they left the house and now they were in the playground, Cian squeezed Asher fingers in fear but not showing it on his face.

Even though Cian palm burn, higher than a normal fever, Asher didn't pull out his hand.

Trevor took Cian by the collar of his hoodie, it was summer and Cian was wearing a hoodie. Cian was feeling feverish but his main reason was to cover up his skinny body. Trevor was only a year older than Cian and he was taller, stronger and even healthier, it didn't take Trevor much strength to lift Cian from the ground. This made Cian angry that he was a weakling and always a pushover and Asher was his only protection at this times, while his twin brother was friends with his bully.

'Sickler' Trevor cursed shaking the skinny Cian, Asher balled his little hands into a fist, ready to punch Trevor in the face but he waited because Cian hated violence. Cian held Trevor's wrist trying to free himself Trevor's grip.

'Your palm is hot, you are always hot' Trevor said and chuckled and his friends burst into laughter except from Clint, Cian looked at Clint in disappointment. Cian pulled Trevor wrist harder and the burning sensation Trevor's wrist increases, Trevor immediately withdrew his hand unable to withstand the burn almost immediately Trevor's wrist was on fire, literal fire. He screamed in pain and the horror, luckily there was a small lake not far from where they stood. Clint looked at Cian in horror of what has just happened. Cian felt scared, guilty but a tingling sensation of happiness lingered for being able to stand up to his bully.

Cian immediately grabbed Asher still looked surprised by his wrist and made for the run when he saw Trevor's friends coming for them, surprisingly Cian's palm was no longer burning as before it was before.

What Cian didn't know was Clint didn't chase after him instead he stayed back with Trevor, as soon as Trevor pulled out his hands from the lake, Clint landed a punch in Trevor's face with his small fist.

'What was that for?' Trevor asked rubbing his cheek to nurse the pain

'For calling my brother a Stickler, he's must better than you' Cian said a stomped off

'You're both losers' Trevor shouted after him still rubbing his cheek as it hurt to open his mouth. Cian and Trevor finally lost them and headed back home, actually Cian home.

Their mom, Laura was pacing around the sitting room with Clint and Adalbert, their father watching her. There was a knock on the door, Laura rushed to the door expecting to see Cian, it was only Cian's doctor, Walter. Walter stepped into the house and two children followed behind him, Cian and Asher.

'Where were you boys?' Laura asked

'We were at the playground' Cian muttered looking at his fingers.

'Without my permission? sneaking out? Cian you're just a kid and you are not healthy enough to play' Laura said and Cian stared at his fingers, pinching his thumb.

'I followed him so that you won't fall' Asher said protectively,

'That's so cute of you Asher but you're also a kid so you can't do much' Laura said tapping Asher's nose with her index finger. 'As for you, Cian, follow Walter, it's time for your evening check up' Laura ordered and Cian silently followed Walter to his room, which was located not far from the sitting room.

'Laura, you're too harsh on him, he's just a kid' Adalbert said hugging Laura from behind.

'And I feel bad, it's just that...I can't lose him now, not ever' Laura said turning to face Adalbert, burying her face in his chest to cry, Clint took the hint to give his parents some lone time, he went to join Raymond and Sean in his room.

'Babe, do you think our baby would survive till he's 18?' Laura asked between her sobs.

'I believe in him and you should too, he's strong, our son is strong and he has his brother with him also with Asher and Sean and Raymond, they will be each other's shoulders' Adal said mostly to himself rubbing Laura's back.

Today was Clint and Cian's birthday, Adalbert and Laura decided to host a dinner party, they gifted Clint and Cian a blue hood, it was the same size but it was big for Cian. Cian refused to wear it because of Clint's name was written on it, Clint was sad and thought his brother hates him so much that Cian hates seeing this name on his things.

Adalbert persuaded Cian to wear it saying that he would take him to the playground the next day and make sure Laura agrees.

Walter handed Cian's report to Adalbert when the result was out, it showed that Cian's health had improve, the burning temperature had stopped and he has a chance to survive. A tear fell from Adalbert eyes and pulled Cian's tiny body into a hug,

'I knew you were strong' Adalbert whispered into Cian's ear and a smile found it's way to Cian's face as he wrapped his tiny arm around his father.

The dinner has been going so well, filled with laughter, Laura and Albert old friends were joining them, old friends meaning Asher, Sean ad Raymond parents, Raymond father, Drustan was Adalbert beat friend, loyal as ever.

'Mom, I think I should tell you something since Cian and Asher isn't going to say it' Clint said and Cian shot him an angry glare. Clint explained the incident about Cian burning Trevor wrist with fire to  everyone the table.

'That's why I told you not to leave the house, now other kids are picking on you' Laura said worried tone, Cian hated that everyone is worried about him, goes way too soft on him like he was fragile, he hated everything.

'My son is a fire witch, is one of you going to have my traits?' Adalbert said playfully trying to lift Laura's mood,  everyone on the table were trying to hold back their laughter.

'And Clint you shouldn't have left your brother in the hands of a bully' Adalbert scolded brushing the hairs of his two sons.

Of course, Clint left out the part that he punched Trevor. 'Adal, don't congratulate him on sneaking off' Laura said before continuing her discussion with Valerie, Asher's mother and her best friend.

The children around the table separated from the adults to play at the corner close to the stairs. There was a timid boy in their mist that they didn't see often, Fergus.

'Fergus, where is your dad?' Yvonne asked
'He said he was going to see Daddy outside' Fergus answered timidly.

When the children were engrossed in their play, Cian quietly left them and went outside through the kitchen door without anyone noticing him except from Asher who followed after him. They left the kitchen door open and that opened the door to the beginning of their suffering.

A/N: I'm sorry for not updating earlier, my phone spoilt and the lack of cash in my country delayed the repair. I got it fixed yesterday so I'm back. I want to thank those following this book, I'm really grateful. Least I forget 24 of February was my birthday.

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