Arch nemesis II

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Happy new year!! See you after the chapter

'Why do we need to learn about those blood suckers' history when we are neither one' Trevor said in annoyance

'I'm part vampire' Cian corrected

'You aren't a werewolf like your brother?' Trevor asked with enthusiasm

'We have our differences' Cian said almost sounding like a warning

'Your place or mine' Trevor asked

'Don't you live in dorms?' Cian asked confused

'You guys aren't the only ones who get to live off school premises, so your place or mine?' Trevor asked again

'Visitors aren't allowed in my place and I don't trust you enough to go to yours, let's just use the school lounge, we start tomorrow' Cian said in a commanding tone

'Where is all that coming from, old man' Trevor chuckled ruffling Cian's hair, Cian slapped his hand off and glared at him. Trevor's face looks so annoying to Cian that he almost punched it.

'That's all for today, see you on Friday with your presentations' Miss. Kipilips said packing her books and left the class.

Trevor smiled before strapping his bag to his right shoulder and heading to the door where he saw a familiar glaring at him,

'Asher, you've come to pick up your boy from class, how touching, I'm sorry to tell you this, he. doesn't. need. you. anymore' Trevor said saying his last words bit by bits and patted Asher's shoulder.

Asher balled his fingers into a fist and clenched his jaw in anger, he wanted to throw a punch at Trevor's face but his eyes caught Cian who was heading towards the door with a judging look.

'You shouldn't turn to violence, Cian hates it' Trevor said patting Asher's shoulder again and walked away, even Asher hates to admit that Trevor was right, Cian always hated violence since they were young.

'You didn't punch him' Cian said walking up to Asher

'I didn't, I knew you hated it' Asher said

'So you do know me, then why are you always behaving sort of strange, I don't know' Cian said in sarcasm.

"We used to be very close and now we are like strangers" Asher thought to himself as he was about to say it...

'Cian!' A voice called stopping Asher from responding to Cian, it was Karin, she was smiling and waving to Cian before she saw the person Cian was talking to was Asher and stopped waving. She silently walked to Cian fixtating her eyes on Asher,

'Are you coming for dinner?' Karin asked trying not to shutter

'Yeah, of course, see you at home' Cian said to Asher and left with Karin.

Asher bit his inner cheek for not being able to complete his task, he was sent to bring Cian to dinner instead Cian left with his new best friend.

Cian and Karin walked through the buffet hall with their food on their hands, actually it placed in a tray. Suddenly some fingers gently wrapped around Cian's hand, Cian was startled but he knew better than to drop his tray. It turned out the neat long delicate fingers belonged to Asher who held him when Cian passed their table. It was the regular spot that SK stay the only difference that the table was bigger even though it was a round table and there were two empty seats. Asher gestured for Cian to sit,

'I'm eating with Karin' Cian said

'She's allowed for your sake though' Raymond said and Cian smiled and sat on one of the empty chairs and Karin sat beside him, Asher was on his other side.

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