When it all went wrong

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Sabrina Pov
"Ok first I'll get out then I'll help you girls get out.
Wait we're is Corey?"
I asked.
Corey jumped in.
"I'm right here what are you guys doing?"
"We'll explain later just jump out the window. "
I said pointing at the window.
Corey looked at me like I was crazy which in this case I kinda am.
He did as I told him.
I jumped out.
"Ok Ariana jump out."
I said.
Ariana jumped out lightly I helped her reach the ground.

"Rowan now you"
She jumped out then Sabrina did.

"The car is right there!"
Sabrina whispered
"Lets go before they see us!"
Rowan whispered at us.
We all ran into the car.
More like a van.
We were all in and Sabrina was in the front seat with me.
I drove to the nearest hospital and found that a hotel was next to it, it was twelve hours away but they passes by quickly.
Since it was to late to register at the hospital we decided to go to the hotel instead.
Sabrina Pov
I was nervous but I put on a smile.
Rowan looked like she was about to pass out she looked kinda nervous because she left without saying anything.
We walked into the hotel. Since it was going to be three to five days here, we each brought a backpack full of the things that we needed.

We went to the counter.
"Hello how may I help you?"
A lady asked us.
"We would a room please."
Peyton said with no emotion.
"For how long?"
The lady asked.
"What's the most beds you have in a room?"
She told him.
Peyton turned to look at us.
"Who's ok with sharing beds? "
He asked
"Me and Sabrina can share a bed."
Rowan said
"Yeah I'd be ok with that."
I said looking at them.
Peyton turned back to the counter.
"Do you guys have a bed mattress?"
Peyton asked
"Yes,yes we do."
She nodded
Peyton turned back to us.
"Me and Ariana can sleep in one bed and Corey you ok with sleeping on the mattress bed?"
He asked
"Yeah sure." Corey nodded
"Ok we'll take the two beds."
"Ok then. That will be two beds and five nights, and breakfast is free so is dinner, so your total is $350. And if you are wondering we are a five star suites."
She said proudly
Oh so no wonder all the fancy things there suites.
Peyton handed them the money.
The lady gave us the key to the room.
We all walked to the room.

Peyton slid the card in the little thingy that you slide your card key in.
And the door opened.

Sabrina Pov
I laid my things down on this nice little vanity and went into the bathroom to change into my pajamas.

I came out and Peyton walked up to me he had no shirt on and he had shorts on I'm guessing that he goes to sleep like that I'm kinda used to it I have a brother.

"Do you think we'll get caught?"
Peyton asked me.
"I don't know, I hope not we can't afford that right now it's only been the first week and there's already drama between people."
I said back at him.
"Yeah you're right. I don't know lets, just try not to think about it to much because then we'll be more nervous."

"Yeah you're right. Well I'm gonna go to sleep,because I feel kinda gloomy."
I told him.

"Yeah me too"
He answered

Rowan jumped into the bed she was wearing some pajama pants and a tank top, meanwhile I was wearing a big shirt and some shorts.

I jumped into the same bed me and Rowan had known each other are whole lives we are best friends more like sisters at this point.

Peyton Pov
Ariana,Sabrina,Rowan had fallen asleep.
I did the same.
End of chapter

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