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AUTHOR! Here is everyone's point of view marks:
~Rowan point of view ~
After spending the night at the hospital, we are all in Peyton's car on our way home.
Bradley is coming over as soon as Sabrina calls, I don't like him, something about him is off.
We get home and we all walk inside.
{15 minutes later}
We have all taken showers and finally look nice.
Jake and I are still friends so nothing is awkward between us, even though we did break up on a bad note.

We all met up in the living room.
"So why exactly is he coming over?" Peyton says kinda annoyed after Sabrina finishes her call with Bradley.

"Because I want to test him." She smiles slightly.
"Test what?" Corey asked confused.
"If he knows me well enough, and even you guys are going up against him." She says with a evil grin, that makes me laugh.
"Who will go up against him?!" I ask curiously
"Peyton." She blurts
His eyes widen.
"I'm beating him for sure." He says confidently.
Sabrina scoffs and a knock on the door.
Sabrina walks up and opens the door.
"Hey babe." Bradley smiles.
He gives her a peck on the lips, making me gag and Peyton just looks at them quickly and looks straight ahead, poor thing.
"Hey." She smiles and they head to the couches
They sit down.
"So what we doing?" He asks
"Quizzing you all about me." She smiles.
Bradley's eyes widen, I chuckle and so does Corey.
"Ok." He mumbles
"First up, Rowan and Corey."
I smile and so does Corey.
We sit on the small table.
Sabrina smiles and places two white boards on the table with markers.
We each grab one.
"Ok first question, what was is the title of my favorite song on my album." She smiled.
I wrote down my answer and so did Corey.
"Turn them over." She says and jumps a little at Bradley holding her hand.
My board says.
"Seamless." It's a song she wrote about our friendship.
Corey's board says "Eyes wide open."
"Rowan get's a point." Sabrina smiled and I giggle.
Corey sighs making me chuckle.
After 20 rounds I won!
It was 19 to 15.
I only got her favorite soda wrong, I thought it was 7up, but it's Sprite, pshh same thing!

"Next up are Peyton and Bradley." Sabrina said with a faint smile.
Peyton smirked.
They both sat down and grabbed there boards.
"What state was I born in?" She asks
They both write something down.
"Turn them over." Sabrina says with an excited tone.
Bradley's board said "Minnesota."
And Peyton's said "Pennsylvania."
"Peyton's right." She smiled
Peyton looked at Bradley with a smirk and all Bradley could do was glare.
"Next question, what was my favorite movie when I was younger?"
They quickly write it down.
Bradley's board said "Cinderella."
Peyton's said "Alice in the Wonderland."
Sabrina snickered.
"Peyton is right!" She said not to shocked.
After about 30 questions.
Peyton won, he got them all right and Bradley got 10 right.
Bradley looked mad and Peyton was chill.
After that we all decided to hang out.
Peyton walked over to the kitchen and so did Bradley.
I kinda followed them and hid in the hallway.

"How the hell do you know so much about Sabrina?!" Bradley says angrily
"I actually listen to her." Peyton says calmly.
"Look back off she's my girlfriend." Bradley says.
I scoff.
"No I won't, because she is my sunshine and I love her more then you ever will." Peyton snaps back.
Then I peek my head a little and Bradley pushes Peyton.
I get angry and jump in the middle.
He chuckles.
"Of course you will Row." He smirked
"Don't call me Row." I hiss
Sabrina walks over to us.
"What happened?!" She asked
I glare at Bradley.
"Nothing babe let's go back." Bradley says and she nods slowly.
Damn it she thinks I did something.
Peyton walks over to me.
"Thanks but you didn't have to do that." He says rubbing his neck slightly.
"No problem Peyton." I smile
"Well what do we do now?" He asks as we slowly walks back to the living room.
"Mess with him." I smirk
This'll be fun.
End of chapter

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