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Sabrina point of view
We all decided to go back to bed from are small amount of hanging out.

I walk into my room, Rowan and Jake are at a small gathering with Rowan's parents that's in two day's. there staying at a hotel, Core,Peyton and I are going to drive down there on Friday it's currently Wednesday.

So Rowan isn't in our room, I lay down and close me eyes.
{2 hours later}
No sleep what so ever this has been the third day that I can't sleep, it's something called Insomnia my friends.

Ive turned all around my bed at least thousands of times.
I sigh and get up from my bed.
I walk into Peyton's room.
"Pey?" I whisper slightly
"Yeah?" He says groggily
"Oh sorry you were asleep." I say about to close the door.
"Don't worry about it sunshine, what's wrong?" He asks with a raspy tone voice.
"I have insomnia and I'm hearing things." I mumble
"What was that?" He asked getting up from his bed, I'm still in the doorway.
"I have insomnia and I hear things." I say louder.
He looks at me.
"Oh well what do you want to do?" He asks walking up to me.
"I don't know, just talk?" I shrug
"Yeah sure, but why'd you choose me you do realize you have Bradley." He chuckles
I smile slightly.
"Yeah but he's probably busy for me." I sigh
"Well I'm not,so lets sit down." He says sitting down on his bed and I follow him.

I sit in front of him.
"Remember when we first met?" I chuckle
"Yeah, you bumped into me." He smiles
"Yeah, you were so little." I cooed
"You were too, we were both fifteen at the time." He says and smiles slightly
"Yeah, I'm happy we got closer." I smile
"Yeah me too." He nods
We share a smile.
We both stare at each other.
Then we snap out of it.

"Um so for how long have you not been sleeping?" He asks
"Three days." I say
"Do you maybe know why?" He asks
"I get anxiety and like nervous." I say looking down.
"Yeah." I nod slightly
"I'm sorry to hear that sunshine." He says sadly
"Don't worry about it, I'll be fine." I say.
I get a huge headache and I start to shiver.
"Sabrina what's wrong?" Peyton says concerned and getting closer to me.
I just shiver, and my headache get's worse, I start to cry.
{1 hour later}

Peyton point of view
I try to calm her.

She's shivering and now crying.

She's having an anxiety attack.
She cries and I cradle her in my arms.
She then get's loose.
I look at her starting to go to sleep.
I quickly put my shoes on and grab my keys, then pick her up bridal style.
And get out of my room.
Corey soon runs out and he opens the door.
I get in my car and Corey get's in the back with an almost unconscious Sabrina.
I quickly drive to the hospital.
We get there and I pick her back up and Corey and I run into the hospital.
"HELP HER!" I yell and they quickly place her on a bed and roll her into a room.
I follow them and they let me in, Corey is calling Rowan.
They tell me to get out and go into the waiting room.
There treating her she's passed out but shivering.
I get out hesitantly.

Corey finishes his call.
"What they say?!" He says walking up to me.
"Nothing, who'd you call?" I ask
"Rowan and um Bradley." He says.
Anger quickly gets to me.
"What?! Why would you do that?!" I yell
"That's her boyfriend, he should know what's wrong." Corey says.
I'm mad, no I'm furious.
Then Bradley runs in.

End of chapter

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