It's back.

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I do realize Rowan's birthday was yesterday but
happy birthday to the most inspiring 14 year old there is!
I love her she is my queen (well her and Sab)
So anyway without further ado the chapter

Sabrina point of view
I stand there in complete utter shock.
I don't know what to do or think.
My mouth drops open and my box that I had in my hand falls out.
"How?" I ask with tears forming in my eyes.
Justin hugged me and I hugged him back.
"How?!" I asked now panicking
Bradley stood there in probably as much shock as I was in.
"He doesn't really know either, well Selena she's back and she wants to get all of you, one of her friends told me that she was looking for me, so in order to keep you and myself safe I had to fake my death, she still thinks I'm dead." Justin says
"But how did you get here?" I say now crying.
"Well I saw that you two we're dating and I have great tracking systems and I found his house." Justin says.

He's always been a stalker.

I hug him for about 5 minutes.
"I missed you so much." I sob
"I missed you too." He says hugging me even tighter.
"What are you going to do?!" I ask as we separate from our hug.
"Well you two might wanna come inside." Bradley says.
I notice that it's about to rain.
We all walk in after getting my stuff.

"So what are you going to do?" I ask once again.
"Well I was thinking that I could maybe live with you guys, I really miss living with you all."Justin says he thinks we all still live together .

"Actually the reason I have these boxes is because I'm moving in with Bradley, but you can live with them." I smile
He looks confused and nods.
He had a suitcase full of his stuff.

We get in my car.
Bradley stayed and set my stuff in my new room.
We got to the apartment.

I knocked on the door.
Peyton opened the door.
"What?" He said before looking at us.
He looked pissed off.
His jaw dropped open.
"What is it?" Rowan says being followed by Corey and Jake.
There jaws fling open.
Then Layla walks to the door.
Justin's mouth flung open.

End of chapter
I hope you enjoyed.
Sorry for the shorter chapter!
My arms really hurt and I need sleep!

Falling for CarpenterМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя