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Sabrina Pov
Me and Rowan decided that we wanted to do something new with our hair so we made appointments at the hair salon.
We went in a Taxi.
Then we both walked out and got in the salon.
I didn't know what I wanted to do
Rowan- So ya know what you're doing to you're hair?
Sabrina- No but I'm not cutting it at ALL.
Rowan- Ooo let's dye our hair!
Sabrina- Yeah that would be cool.
At the end I dyed all my hair a pinkish purple and Rowan did ombre blue
We walked out and into a taxi we went
We got home and the boys were hanging out Kat was out with her friends.
They turned to us and there mouths dropped open.
Corey- What did you two do?!
Rowan- We dyed our hair!
Jake- Wait, Sabrina don't you have a photo shoot today?
Sabrina-Oh I do! Well they'll have to take pictures of me with my pink hair!
I smiled
Peyton- Wow you guys look different but they look nice
I smiled at that.
Rowan- Me and Sabrina both have photo shoots so we're going to get ready bye boys!
She said as we ran upstairs to get our stuff.
Peyton pov
As the girls went back to there rooms we all still had our mouths open.
Jake- Well that was a surprise
Corey-Yeah that was
Then the girls ran to us.
Rowan- Peyton were gonna be late can you take us to the shoot?!?
Peyton- Yeah ok let's go
I said grabbing my keys then heading out the door.
We got there in 20 minutes.
They got out.
Sabrina- Thanks Pey!
Rowan- Thanks!
They ran off into the building.
2 hours later I picked them up.
They came out all tired.
Peyton- How'd it go?
Sabrina- It went well were just tired she said laying her head on Rowan's shoulder.
Rowan- Yeah they were nice were just tired.
I chuckled and started to drive.
We got home and they both ran out.
We all got inside and I sat back down with the boys.
They came back down and yelled:
We all starred at them.
Corey- What do you guys think?
Peyton- I think it's cool yeah sure.
Jake nodded.
Sabrina- Good because I invited a ton of people they should be here by 10pm
We nodded and they ran off.
It seemed like I only blinked and the house had balloons everywhere and streamers.
The girls had already chosen the music and they set up speakers.
They then joined us to just hang out.
Jake- So why out of nowhere a party?
Rowan- Well because we haven't had one yet and so today can be that day.
Corey- When does it end?
Sabrina- Like 5am or something
Corey's eyes widened
Corey- Okay....
Peyton- Is it like a party or a party party?
If you know what I mean.
Sabrina- Party party.
She grinned.
Then it was 10pm
The doorbell rang.
A whole load of screaming teenagers that we all knew came in.
The party soon started.
Screaming yelling dancing drinking everywhere.
Well let's see where this goes.....

Falling for CarpenterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon