Dance class,I guess

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Sabrina point of view
I saw Selena's best friend.
She walked up to us
"Hey Rowan! I heard you're sister is in jail!" She smiled
"Amber Hi, we'll wouldn't you know she is you're best friend." Rowan faked smiled
"Yeah of course, anyways you two here for hip-hop classes?" She smiled
This girl couldn't be faker
"Yeah." I simply said
"Well me TOO! We should totally hang out! Bye now!" She said blowing a kiss
This girl is annoying but that was exactly why her and Selena are best friends.
I looked at Rowan with a face that said it all and she nodded .
We walked into the dance room it had mirrors all over it was one big mirror wall, and a teacher with other students.
Rowan and I got in a row.
Go girl by pitbull is the group?! Oh wow.
Carousel was Rowan and I's duet
My solo was called Hold me down and Rowan's was Dollhouse.
We got to dancing the group
It was a lot of pop.
After 3 hours we were done.
I was sweating.
I changed and did my hair up.
"Hello girls." Amber said smiling
I was wearing a tank top with leggings.
"You look like slut." She frowned at me
She's way to outspoken and doesn't care what people say of here and how incredibly rude she is.
I grinned and responded
"Takes one to know a fake one." I smirked and turned around with Rowan.
We went to my car.
"That wasn't so bad." She said
"Yeah it wasn't but I do wish she wasn't there you know?" I said to Rowan now driving.
"Yeah I guess, maybe she knows something about Selena you know she was talking to us until she attacked us, I may have grown up with her but I don't know what she is capable of."
Rowan stated
"Yeah actually she may know something or someone." I added
"Maybe." Rowan said looking out the window then back at me.
I drove to the apartment building and we got inside.
"How'd dance class go?" Corey asked
"Ok." I said
"Carpenter how'd the visit go?" Peyton asked smiling at me
He calls me carpenter for some reason I like it though.
"Oh that went wrong." I responded
"How?" Both Corey and Peyton said with a concerned expression on their faces.
"She attacked us mid way through." Rowan said
"Wow, did you guys find out anything?" Peyton added
"She said that she's being going after Ariana this whole time,but that's all we know." I said with a pout face which made Peyton chuckle.
"Oh and her best friend is in our dance class, we want to find out if Selena sent her or if she can tell us anything." Rowan added
"Sounds good then." Peyton and Corey said at the same time.
These boys need to stop hanging out all the time they say most things at the same time.
Rowan and Corey started to discuss there ways that they wanted to do things and Peyton and I walked to a small cafe table and we stayed there watching with our heads on our palms.
He smiled at me and of course I smiled back.
Peyton point of view
I guess you could say I'm falling for Carpenter.

End of chapter
Not last chapter though.

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