Work? Again

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Sabrina Point of view
I woke up really early today I have a performance,interview and photoshoot today I'm excited yet scared of what Selena has planned next.

I ran downstairs in a black two piece dress type and said bye to everyone.

I had to perform let me admit I was nervous this was the first time that I would be the only one performing, I just hope that there's people and that the crowd won't be dead.

I got in my car and drove to the building.

After about 20 minutes of driving I got

After 2 hours of singing original songs and covers I left and I signed autographs and took pictures. Which took me 1 more hour it was now 4pm and I was on my way to the photo shoot.

I got there and after 2 hours I was done.

Now to the interview.

"Hello Sabrina! Thanks for coming!" The interviewer said
"Hi! Thank you for having me!" I smiled
"Ok so you took a break but you're back and you've been busy!" She said
"Yes I have but I enjoy it" I smiled
"That's great, so we hear that you date Peyton Meyer how's that like?" She asked
I smiled.
"Oh it's going great, he's really sweet and fun to be around" I smiled
"That's great, so are you guys going strong?" She asked
"Yes" I nodded
"So on the show you and Rowan are best friends, what about real life?" She asked
"We've known each other since she was born and I was 2" I stated
"That's great so you're basically sisters?" She asked me
"Yeah basically, I love her as if she was"
I smiled looking at her
"Great!, now we heard that Jake, Jake short lives with you! Is that true and when did you meet?" She asked
"Yes it is true and we meet when we were 3" I stated
"And what's it like living with him?" She asked
"It's fun, he used to be my neighbor so I'm basically used to it" I said plainly
"So what's it like having all these roommates" she asked
"It's really fun you're never alone, and we're all best friends so it's fun" I smiled at her
"That's sounds great,so you guys now live down here in La!" She smiled
"Yes we recently moved 2 weeks ago, into a house that looks exactly like are old one so it's really cool." I nodded
"Well welcome to La! And when you do start filming season two what will you do?" She asked
"We're planning to live in a apartment when we are there." I stated
"That's nice, so what's the difference between New York and La?" She asked
" Obviously it's the city in both but it's way more crowded in New York than here,but it's busy in both" I said simply
"That's great, so we heard about Rowan's step sister is basically making you're life a living hell from jail!" She said sadly
"Well uh... Yeah, but we've learned to deal with it I guess" I stated
"Well thank you for coming that's all the time we have for today!" She smiled
"Thank you for having me bye!" I smiled and waved to the crowd then left

That went better then what I thought.
I drove home.

I opened the door and immediately felt safe even though most of the time I'm not.
"Hey guys I'm home!" I shouted placing my keys on the entrance table
"Hey!" Rowan yelled running towards me
"Anything today?" I asked
"Work wise or Selena?" She asked
"Both" I said walking towards the kitchen
"Well everyone had a photo shoot and a interview and I had a performance too." She said smiling
"Great" I said popping a grape in my mouth
"And no Selena" she smiled
"Great"I smiled
I saw Peyton.
"Hey Sunshine" he smiled
"Hey Meyer" I smiled
"Work?" He asked
"Work again" I confirmed
End of chapter

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