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Sabrina point of view
I talked to Peyton a lot yesterday and late night I called Bradley we're meeting up actually tomorrow because I told him that I wanted to be here for Peyton and he understood, he's a really great person if you think about it.
I've already changed and took a shower.
I walk out of my room.
Rowan is a early bird, me not so much I like sleep, everyone is always up before me.
I walk into the kitchen, Rowan and Corey sitting down eating bagels and Corey is drinking coffee while Rowan drinks orange juice.
Meanwhile Peyton and Jake are sitting in there living room watching a movie.
"Morning." I smile at Rowan and Corey.
"Morning." They both say with a smile.
"So do you know when we film next?" Corey asks looking at me.
"Actually yeah I got a text earlier saying that next week on Tuesday." I say as I pour orange juice in a cup and place a bagel in the toaster.
"Oh great, I really miss being on set." Rowan says and I nod.
"So Pey how you feeling?" I say as I walk into the living room.
"I'm better thanks sunshine."
We share a smile.
Actually now that I think about it even though this has nothing to do with the talk, Selena hasn't done anything yet, she said she had something big planned but we wouldn't now when it was coming.
"So what are you doing today?"
Peyton asks me and I snap out of my thoughts.
"Nothing, maybe  we can all just chill here today?"
"Yeah that would be cool." Rowan smiles as she walks to the living room with Corey.
Everyone nods and I smile.
Honestly I think Corey and Rowan should date there closer then Rowan and Jake.
Don't get me wrong I have nothing wrong with Jake but I think that Rowan likes Corey better, just my thoughts.

Peyton point of view
I look around at my friends, hopefully they'll never leave me, I know they won't, well I hope so.
Rowan and Corey huh they look like a nice couple maybe there just not meant to be, just like me and my Sunshine, I love her but honestly I don't think that she feels the same way anymore.
But what do I know?! It's just stuff I tell myself to not feel so bad about it.
Ariana's on tour she'll be back before the end of the month, I hope she's ok.
I look around once more and realize that everyone's talking and I'm just sitting here thinking, alone drowning in my thoughts.

Rowan point of view
I look at them all before starting to zone out and think.
I think I may like Corey, wait no.
I date Jake, but he barely pays attention to me anymore. I think he's not as interested anymore.
But I hope no one else sees that I've been hanging out with Corey a lot more then I used to.
Then I look around once more and everyone smiling and talking.
I start to talk after discovering my thoughts.

Jake point of view
I think Rowan may be cheating on me with Corey, I mean there hanging out all the time and she barely pays attention to me anymore and she's just not as interested as she was before.
Maybe I'll call things off, I think I don't fit with this group anymore, I'm just here for Sabrina and Rowan because I've known them all my life.
But it's just my thoughts.

Corey point of view
It's probably so noticeable that I like Rowan she's perfect how could I not?!
Well I hope she doesn't know that I do.
Jake would be so mad at me and I don't want drama to flourish.
I think about Rowan all the time and it's just so hard not to.
I think I love her.
My thoughts.

End of chapter
Hey guys!
This chapter is different then my other chapters but I want to start to use more Point of views on all of them because they are all so important factors in this story!
Anyway BYEEE

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