The Call

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Sabrina Point of view
I got a call it was Selena.
"Hel-l-o?" I said stuttering
"Hey." I said hearing a different voice
"Who is this?" I asked
"Amanda I'm in jail with Selena she's  planning something it's big, when do you guys start filming?" She asked
"How do I know this isn't a trick?" I asked
"Ask me anything and I won't know." She stated
"Who is she after?" I asked
"I don't know she's always planning things" She whispered
"Swear that this isn't a trick." I said firmly
"I swear" She said
"It got delayed for 2 more months" I stated
"Well do as many things as you can in those two months, interviews,perform, photo shoot's you guys need more fame so that she'll know that you're fans will know who she is" She stated
"Ok thanks bye" I hung up

"What was that?!" Rowan asked
"Book as many things possible! Photo shoots ,interviews , performances! What ever you'll need it!" I yelled
She nodded and I told Peyton, Corey and Jake.

I released my album just now 2 weeks early.

I have a performance tomorrow and a photo shoot today, and a interview in 2 days.

This is NOT happening god.

Rowan Point of view
I booked a photo shoot and a interview .
I'm nervous I never thought that Selena would do something like this I knew that she was awful but not capable of killing and threatening people for fame this couldn't be more wrong.
I walked downstairs.
"I got a interview and photo shoots." I told Sabrina while she was sitting on a couch.
"I have an interview,photo shoot and a  performance!" She cheered
"Great!" I smiled
I walked up to Jake's room.
"So what do you have?" I said walking in
"Photo shoot and interview" He said plainly
"Great" I said sitting down with him
"What's wrong?" I asked looking at him
"I'm just nervous ya know?" He said making eye contact with me
"Nervous about Selena or what else?" I said still making eye contact
"If I'm not going to make it here in cali" he said fiddling with his hands not making any eye contact anymore
"What do you mean?" I scoffed
"You're on a hit show on Disney Xd! You hang out with the rest of the Disney crew you get photo shoots what else could you ask for?" I simply said

"It's not that, it's about a um..." He stopped
"About what?!" I said interrupting
"A girl" he blurted out
"Oh. Well what about it?" I asked
"I wanted to ask her out or whatever but with this I don't think she'll even think about it she'll be freaked" he sighed
"Well why don't you give it a try?" I asked looking at him
"She's way out of my league. " he said looking down
"How could she be out of you're "league" I mean like look at ya!" I yelled
"She's really um" he said shyly
"Say it" I blurted
talented, she's out of "my league" I don't even know what to do"
"Just tell her, just do what you've wanted to do since you got here, I'm sure she can't be that great." I stated
Wow I just said that, dang it I like Jake ALOT and I'm giving him advice on other GIRLS!
Rowan what is wrong with you?!
He looked up at me.
"So about doing what I've wanted to...."

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