Visit hours gone wrong

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Sabrina point of view
She opened the window of the booth.
And jumped at Rowan.
All of the guards were at the main entrance and since we were in a room they couldn't hear her yell.
I soon reacted and took her off her.
"What the hell Selena?!" I said pushing her to the floor off of Rowan.
She attacked me.
And turned me over to my face.
I pushed her away by kicking her stomach.
I cornered her and grabbed her wrist.
"Rowan get the guards!" I yelled
And she ran to get the guards.
They  came and took her away.
"Are you ok?!" Rowan asked me
"Yeah I'm fine." I said looking at her grabbing my purse
"We should go." She said
I nodded and walked out.
We got to my car.
"That went wrong." Rowan said getting in the car.
"Yeah sorry about that." I said starting the engine
"It's not you're fault." She said turning to me
"Well I just feel guilty for what happened." I said starting to drive. It's ok you shouldn't, are we going home now?" She asked
"Nope." I added
"What were are we going?" She asked with  a confused face
I stopped at a red light.
"Well I signed us up for dance class." I smiled
"In these clothes?!" She asked looking at her clothes
"Nope, there's clothes in the back seat." I said pointing to the back seat with my thumb.
"Ok cool, are we going like now?" I asked
"Yup." I nodded driving
"We had that recital but it got cancelled and if we go to these classes we have a recital next week." I said still driving
"Oh really?" She asked
"Yeah you have a solo and so do I and we have a duet together, and a five people group." I said
We got to the class.
I walked in with Rowan and we changed.
"Oh my god!" Rowan whispered yelled at me
"What?" I turned at her
"That Selena's best friend!" She said
The girl walked to us.
This should be interesting
End of chapter

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