New house, new life

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Rowan Pov
I had many boxes everywhere.
1 hour later Me and sabrina had finished packing everything.
We both went to peyton's room he had already finished and he had all of his boxes stacked and he was on his bed with his phone.
He ran up to us and hugged us.
Peyton-You two lovely ladies ready to go?
Rowan-I know I am!
I smiled
Sabrina-Yeah me too.
We soon were all done packing and put it all in a truck.
We drives over to our new house.
I ran in and yelled.
I giggled and ran up to my room.  I looked at it so plain I would soon make it me! Rowan!
Sabrina Pov
I ran upstairs to my room  and looked at it in gaze I could not wait to start decorating.
Even though me and Peyton were dating we acted like best friends that loved each other in other ways, we both loved Rowan and Corey.
I ran to Rowan's room.
Sabrina- Row we need to convince Peyton to take me,you and Corey to Home depot to buy paint for our rooms!
Rowan-Yesss let's go like now!
We ran together to Corey's room he was taking out some of his clothes and putting them in his closet.
Corey jumped a little by her loud yell of his name.
Corey- Yeah?
Rowan-We need to go convince Peyton to take us to buy paint to paint our rooms, we're finally normal teens!
Corey laughed- Yeah sure
We all ran to Peyton's room.
I opened the door he was doing the exact same thing corey was.
He laughed at both of us.
Peyton-Hello bestfriend who happens to be my girlfriend and hello best friend that happens to be like a sister to me!
We both giggled
Rowan- Soooo me, Sabrina and Corey were wondering if you could take us to home depot so we could ALL buy paint for our rooms?
She said sweetly which made me giggle
Peyton-Why me?
Sabrina- Well... you are the only one of us with a license
Corey- And may I add a car!
Rowan giggled
Peyton-Guys I'm busy putting everything in my room
Rowan-But you know me I'm Rowan and I need to make my room ME!
Peyton- Ugh fine
We all clapped
He got out grabbing his keys
Peyton- I'm doing this because one I hate organization and two because I love you assholes
He laughed, we all did too
We all got to his car and got in.
We arrived at Home Depot were they sell all these type of tools and paints everything for homes.
We all walked to the paint section.
We looked for a while.
Rowan Pov
I grabbed a light pink color it was soooo pretty.
Sabrina took a lavenderish purple, Corey took a dark red meanwhile Peyton took a dark blue.
We paid.
Sabrina-Can you take us to hobby lobby for cute decor?
Peyton- Might as well. He chuckled
I smiled and ran to the car with Sabrina, while the boys were walking behind us.
We got in and drove to hobby lobby which wasn't far at all.
We got out and rushed to the door.
Half and hour later
We paid and there was boxes and bags full of things.
We put them in the trunk and got in the car.
We soon got home and we made the boys carry everything meanwhile we took the paint.
The guys took two boxes at a time there was 20 boxes and 10 bags so it kinda took them a while we all soon grabbed are things and took them up to our rooms.
Peyton Pov
Sabrina and Rowan changed into a big white shirts and sweat pants and there hair in pony tails.
While me and corey changed into shorts and a white plain shirt.
We all went into my room and we got done painting and decorating  in a hour
It was 5pm.
We went to Corey's room and did the same.
Now 6pm
We went to Rowan's room two hours there.
Now 8pm
Then finally to Sabrina's room.
We all grabbed a paint roll and started to paint. Then we decorated.
2 hours later we were done
At least the rooms looked good.
We all went downstairs to get food.
We made popcorn and decided to go to the movie room and we watched Insidious chapter three even though Rowan didn't too Sabrina convinced her to.
We sat in the last row there was 5 rows
Rowan screamed through the whole thing.
The movie was over and we all went to Rowan's room to hang out.
Sabrina- So me and Rowan have been rehearsing for a dance thing we have tomorrow and there's a after party after it, so we were both wondering if you guys wanted to go Ariana,Jai and Justin are going too. She said before popping a popcorn in her mouth
Corey- I'd love to go
Peyton- Yeah me too
They both smiled
Corey- So what are you going to do?
Rowan- Well there's 5 solos and me and Sabrina both have one then umm in the group, and we have a duet together.
Peyton- Cool. He smiled looking at both of us.
Corey- How long have you been rehearsing?
Sabrina- About 3 to four months.
We finished are conversation and we all went to our rooms and slept at around 2am.

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