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Sabrina Pov
The man took me to the alley and pinned me to a wall.
Man- Who the hell are you?! Are you Sabrina?! I'm looking for her

Man- Do you know this girl?
He said showing me a picture of Ariana.
I nodded
Man- Where is she?!
Ella- She's on the subway
He let me go and ran.
Why the hell didn't I tell him Florida or something damn it.
Peyton came running to me
I nodded
Sabrina- He's after me and Ariana he asked me if I was Sabrina and I said my name was Ella and he showed me a picture of Ariana and I said she was at the subway I panicked I should've said she was in Florida or something!
Peyton -It's ok me and Jai will go after him you and Rowan stay here
I nodded and ran to the pizza shop as I turned.
Man- Ha I knew you were Sabrina so she's not at the Subway were is she!
I stopped.
Sabrina- I don't know!
Man-Help me then
Sabrina-What do you want?
I hissed
Man- I knew who you were I just needed you're friends to expect nothing. You will go to the plaza and sing for money and you will give me the money. And if you don't then I WILL kill Ariana if you do I won't.
I  nodded and walked with him
We got to the plaza and I started to sing
some covers and original songs.
After 2 hours I had gotten tons of calls from everyone. I finished and counted the money it was $300 damn people like me somehow.
I gave him the money and he motioned for me to go.
I quickly ran home I knocked on the door.
Rowan opened it she hugged me.
Rowan- Oh thank good you're ok! What he do to you?!
Sabrina- Long story short he made me sing and I earned $300 and I gave them to him in return for not killing Ariana
Rowan- Wow
Sabrina- Were is everyone?
Rowan- Looking for you
Sabrina- Oh I'll call them
I called.
Deep voice-Hello?
Sabrina- Pey- wait what?
Guy- Oh Sabrina it's me!
Sabrina- Who?
Guy- Logan the guy who made you sing
Sabrina- Why do you have Peyton's phone?
Logan- Oh he's with me would you like to talk to him?
Sabrina- Yes please
Peyton- Sabrina?
Sabrina-Peyton babe are you ok what did he do to you?!
Peyton- I'm ok he just has me-
He got cut off
Logan- Well before he tells you I will, I have him and Jai there fine. But I need you too bring me Ariana and they will be ok
Sabrina- You said you would leave them ALONE!
Logan- Never trust a guy you just met
Sabrina- Don't hurt them please
Logan- I won't but you have to so as I say
Logan- I'll send you a text saying the address to come to, no cops or I will kill them.
Sabrina- What do you want?
Logan- Bring Ariana
I heard Peyton yell "Don't do it!"
I heard a punch.
Logan- Bring her to me
Logan- Let's see what you come up with
Sabrina- I'll be there
I got the text.
I grabbed one thousand dollars and put them in a bag.
Rowan- Ok
She ran with me we got into a cab
I made him drop us off a block away.
We walked to the house.
Rowan- Were are we going?
Sabrina- Were gonna get Peyton and Jai.
I whispered.
Sabrina- He told us to come in my the basement back.
Before opening it I gave her a gun the cops gave us all a gun because of the danger we were being put through
I'm a actress not a killer.
I opened the door and went down with rowan and the gun in my back pocket and the bag was on my arm.
My hair up so that I could see clearly.
I walked down.
Sabrina- Hello?
It was a dark room.
The light turned on.
Logan- Were's Ariana?
Sabrina- I have another thing in mind here in this bag is $1000
He looked at me funny
Sabrina- But before I give you the money let me see Peyton and Jai
He chuckled and turned the very back lights on.
There was Peyton tied up and a cloth in his mouth his face was bloody same with Jai.
Sabrina- Why'd you hurt them?
I said letting a tear fall
Logan- They wouldn't tell me anything so I had to.
I looked down to his hand to see blood and a gun.
Logan- Let me see the money
I opened the bag up.
He nodded and motioned for me to give him the money.
Rowan kicked it to him.
Rowan looked at me scared so was I but I couldn't show it.
He grabbed it and set it next to him.
He pointed the gun he had in his hand to us.
End of chapter

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