New York

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Rowan Pov
Sabrina was finally getting out of the hospital after , the shot.
She walked out with a fade smile I hugged her and she smiled.
We walked out.
Peyton drove.
Peyton- How you doing babe?
He said looking through the review mirror.
Sabrina- I'm ok thanks.
I smiled and hugged her.
Rowan- I missed you Sunshine
Sabrina smiled
Sabrina-I missed you too peaches
We got home and Jake, Corey hugged her .
She smiled the whole time
She shouted happily
I smiled.
Rowan- We should rest
Sabrina- Oh hell no I've been laying down for the past week! Let's go do something!
Peyton- Well since we've been here we haven't gone to Times Square!
I chuckled I've never seen Sabrina this happy.
I went up with her.
Rowan- So why you so happy Sunshine?
Sabrina- I just got out the hospital and I saved my best friend's life I think I d
should be happy.
She said looking in her closet.
I smiled and nodded
Rowan- Yeah thanks for doing that sunshine
Sabrina- No problem anything for you Peaches
I smiled.
Rowan- I'm gonna go change
I went to my room and changed into some shorts and a tank top with combat boots.
I got out and Sabrina was wearing a Nirvana shirt with some shorts and combat boots.
I smiled and we walked downstairs
The guys chuckled

We got in Peyton's car it was Me,Sabrina,Peyton, Corey,Jake
We parked in a parking garage.
We started to walk at China Town?
Oh well.
We walked around it was really hot so me and Sabrina went to this little Chinese store thingy and we bought little air fans.
We walked to Italian town.
We bought pizza of course.
We ate and walked around.
After about an hour, we got to Times Square.
There was a M&M world we all went in.
Me and Sabrina bought a whole load of M&M's we bought little M&M pillows and other things.
We the walked out we all went to different places me and Sabrina went to go get our picture drawn some fans were there we took pictures with them and then we got our picture drawn.
Peyton Pov
Me,Jake,Corey went to Hershey world we bought some things we had to look for the girl later.
Sabrina pov
Shit we've been looking for Peyton,Corey and Jake for over a hour.
Sabrina- Rowan were lost in New York! And we can't find the boys and we can't find the car!
Rowan- I don't know what to do!
She panicked .
Sabrina-Ok let's go sit on that bench and look around just lets just stay still in one place!
We sat and waited for another half hour.
Sabrina-Let's get up and look for them.
Rowan nodded and we walked around looking for them.
We ran around.
We heard a loud shout that I knew
It was Peyton.
I got a call? But there's no signal here.
It was Selena?
Selena- Just because I'm in jail doesn't mean I can't make you're life miserable!
I hung up and looked at Rowan.
Rowan- Who was that and why did I hear Peyton yell?
Sabrina- It was Selena she said that she would make us miserable from jail.
Rowan-Peyton,Corey and Jake may be in danger.
We ran I was in front of her I entered a alley leaving Rowan at the edge.
I walked in and saw Corey,Peyton, and Jake sitting on chairs tied up the guy had two guns one in each hand, and a knife in his pocket.
His back was turned to the entrance of the alleyway.
I yelled HEY!
He turned around and slowly walked to me I stood there he sat me in another chair.
Guy- I will only need one of these so you can watch each other die.
He smirked and tossed the gun and knife behind him, leaving only one in his hand.
I saw Rowan tip toe and grab the gun.
She grabbed it as soon as she did the guy turned around.

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