Late Night Thoughts.

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Sabrina point of view
"Layla." I say looking at my sister standing at the doorway.
"Come in!" She smiles and let's me inside.
"Thanks." I smile
"So what brings you here?" She smiles and we sit down on her beautiful couch.
"Fights." I sigh
"Oh, do you wanna talk about it?" She asks me
"Sure." I smile softly
"Great, go ahead." She smiles
"Well early today I went to the set of one of my friends show called Mighty Med and there's this guy who's on the show and his name is Bradley, well he asked me out and I surprisingly said yes even though I have the strongest feelings for Peyton. So I told Peyton and he was calm but furious, and when I went on my date they were there too because the group was hanging out, Peyton beat Bradley up at go kart riding and I tried to talk to Peyton but he told me to give him time." I said then sighed
"Wow, so Peyton obviously has feelings for you?" She says
I nod.
"Well how did he first read when you told him?" She asks me looking straight at me.
"Well he was calm but then he went on one of his drives that he goes on when he's pissed off, then while I was on the date he looked so pissed." I said and she looked at me.
"Does Peyton have anger issues?" She asks me
"Yeah he does." I nod
"What about trust issues?"
"Yeah." He's always had them it was something I looked past.
"Sabrina give him some time, he must have been hurt when he found out you were dating this Bradley guy." She says with sympathy.
"But the thing is I still want to see Bradley because I felt like on our date I barely paid attention to him and I was thinking about Peyton." I say looking down
"Tell Peyton that, why aren't you and Peyton dating?" She says confused
"Because of problems we have with Rowan's sister and it would cause a lot of drama and I'm not mentally or physically ready for that." I say looking at her
"I understand and hopefully he will too, you should tell him that you still want to see Bradley because you didn't give him a fair shot and because you too have some stuff to think about." She says
I smile.
"You're right." I nod
We get up and I hug her.
"Thanks." I smile
"No problem it's what sisters do." She says
This was our first sister to sister talk I hope that there's more.
"I should get going." I say
"You could stay here!" She smiles
"Really?" I smile
"Yeah! I mean I want you too and meanwhile Peyton can cool off." She says
"Thanks and you're right. Sure I'll stay." I nod
"Great! What do you want to do?" She asks
"MOVIES!" I smile
She nods and gives me some pajamas to change into.
I come come out of the bathroom.
The smell of popcorn hit me and I smiled we ordered Pitch Perfect 2.
This should be fun.

Peyton point of view
We got home a little ago.
Sabrina isn't here, and honestly she's the last person I want to see right now.
I sit on the couch and think.
Rowan walks up to me.
"You mind if I sit?" She asks
I shake my head and she sits next to me
"Thinking about Sabrina huh?" She asks
"Yeah." I nod
"Peyton you do get why she did what she did." Rowan says
"Not really." I say looking down
"Peyton you too aren't exactly dating and she thought maybe you would be ok with it."
"Yeah well I obviously am not. But she knows I have feelings for her, strong feelings." I say looking up at her
"And she feels the same way." Rowan smiles
"But the thing is she's the first girl that has made me feel this way before and to see her with that Bradley guy hurts a little."
"Yeah I get it, it should and it will, but Peyton don't you want her life to be normal and happy? If she dates you Selena will want to kill her if she dates Bradley Selena won't even know." Rowans says calmly
"Yeah of course I want those things for her, I just would hope that she could have those things with me."
"Just let her see how it goes with him she loves you Peyton and you know that, but dating Bradley will help her clear her mind and make her feel normal with no worries."
"Yeah you're right, thanks Rowan." I smile slightly
She hugs me and I hug her back.
"Well goodnight Peyton." She smiles and get's up.
I say goodnight to her and walk to my room.
I change and lay on my bed staring at the ceiling.
If she's happy I'm good.
Maybe I should be happy too.
I'm falling for Carpenter.

Sabrina point of view
We finished the movie.
"I'm tired." I yawned
"You can sleep either with me or in the guest room." Layla says looking at me then turns the Tv off.
"I'll sleep with you."
She smiles and we get up to her room.
I wash my face and lay on the Queen sized bed with Layla.
I look up and the ceiling and think.
What would it be like if I date Bradley?
Peyton how would our friendship change?
How would Peyton act?
Will it even happen?
If it does will it last or will it be a waste?
Will I be truly happy?
Will Peyton be happy?
I think about his feelings only nobody else's.
I don't know why I can't get him out of my head.
He created such a huge impact on my life.
It's crazy to think how much I love him.
I just want to hug,kiss and laugh with him right now.
I miss him.
I miss his smile.
I miss his laugh.
I miss his beautiful raspy voice.
I miss his gorgeous eyes.
Late Night Thoughts.
End of chapter

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