The party

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Peyton pov
Everyone was dancing in the main big room there was people everywhere.
I drunk something I don't know what it was. I felt kinda weird.
I was dancing like crazy.
Sabrina Pov
I saw Peyton dancing everywhere
I went up to him.
Peyton- Oh hey!
Sabrina-Peyton what's wrong?!
I grabbed a cup and drank it , it looked like water oh but trust me it wasn't
I felt funny after drinking like five cups of it.
I was grinding with peyton?!?!
Rowan was in the pool because it was a pool party slash inside party.
I grabbed Peytons hand and ran to the pool I had my bikini on and took off my shirt and shorts so that I could jump in, (under her clothes she had her bikini on) I jumped in as Peyton took of his shirt and shorts so now he had on swimming shorts they were under his other shorts.
He jumped in.
40 minutes later we all got out.
And we were all dancing inside.
Out of nowhere Peyton's lips were on mine, we were making out at this point.
Rowan Pov
I was dancing everywhere balloons were all over people dancing jumping off of things pure chaos.
Peyton Pov
I was making out with sabrina which lasted forever it felt like.
We separated we started dancing again.
And Rowan,Corey,Jake were with us .
It was 3am and a loudspeaker was outside it was shit the cops.
Sabrina,Me,Rowan,Corey, and Jake were just standing there thinking of what to do.
Everyone was out.
The cops came up to us.
Cop- We got complaints of you guys being loud and disturbing everyone.
Rowan-May I know who called?
Cop-Selena blanchard
Are mouths dropped open, she lives twenty minutes away.
The cops handcuffed us and told us we were under arrest.
Complete utter bullshit.
We were all put into a police car, we drove off.
Well this can't end well.

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