Realizing while watching movies

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Sabrina point of view
I look at Peyton laugh with his perfect smile and his eyes still sparkle every once in a while during the movie.
Were about thirty minutes in the movie and were all still really in to it.
"So how many movies have you guys watched?" I asked as I reached out to the little coffee table that has all the snacks, and I grabbed some pretzels.
"Just another one and this one." Corey says
"So how'd you all decide to do this today?" I ask with a small smile, that's probably most likely hidden.
"Oh I just told Peyton that we should go by snacks and that when we came back home Corey and Jake would have already picked out a movie." Rowan smiles
"Oh, so you planned it?" I ask
"Yep, pretty much, we all had jobs."
I chuckle softly.
"What kind of jobs?" I ask with another soft chuckle.
"Well Corey had to connect everything from the laptop to the computer, and they both had to choose a movie. Peyton had to drive to the Walmart so that we could get snacks, and he had to drive the cart even with me in it, and we both had to pick out snacks." She smiles
"Sounds like fun." I smile
"SHHHHHHH you too! We're trying to watch the movie!" The boys yell
Rowan and I laugh.
But then jealousy  sprung over me.
It was always Peyton, Rowan and I.
And now it's just Peyton and Rowan, I can't be jealous!
Even when Peyton and I weren't dating but we did want to we never made Rowan feel uncomfortable or like a third wheel,
but now it's just them because I have Bradley now.
I mentally cry,
jealousy isn't the word that describes what I'm feeling it's more like um well
because it's been happening more often ever since Bradley came into the story,
and it kinda makes since that Peyton hangs out with Rowan more because I'm sometimes not around.

I finally got that cleared from my mind from realizing stuff and went back to watching Peyton.
Watching the movie not Peyton.
Even though I do look at him every so often, because his eyes and his smile make me melt, his beautiful green eyes and his smile that lights up my life.
I look quickly at him and realize that he was looking at me, wait.
What could he be looking at, I'm nothing just me Sabrina.

Peyton point of view

I look at her, I just can't help it.
I was watching the movie but then I turned around and I saw her.

She looked like she was thinking.
I smile at the sight of her face that was so concerned with cuteness.

Her eyes, there ocean blue and you could just get lost in them, her smile makes me smile.

She says that I'm way more attractive or something,
I tell her that's the biggest lie I've ever heard,
I mean have you seen her?!
And also shes probably one of the sweetest human beings I've ever met.
I just wonder what she's thinking.

Sabrina point of view
Ok and may I add that his skin is PERFECT.
It's smooth and just the right shade of tan.
He says that I'm perfect, well trust me IM NOT.
My eyes just blue, my smile not special,
my skin it's basically just pale, no color what's so ever.
I'm surprised he doesn't like Rowan.
She's drop dead gorgeous, a image of Rowan pops up in my head, yeah she is.

Rowan point of view
I'm watching the movie,
Sabrina looks distracted and Peyton is watching the movie peacefully.
Jake and Corey are just watching it like normal people would.

I laugh at a small part and so does Peyton.

He's my best friend, but so is Sabrina and I'm on neither of there sides, I just want to be there for them both.

I don't know why I realize these things right now, while watching a movie.
Well it's something called Realization while watching movies.

Sabrina Point of view
I stop looking at Peyton and back at the movie that's actually fairly interesting.
I smile a little to hear Peyton laugh.
I realized a lot of things while watching a movie.
It's called-
Realization while watching movies.

Peyton point of view
I watch the movie and laugh a little.
I don't actually know why but I'm probably the only one that has realized anything during this movie and everyone else is just watching it.
I look around one last time, and everyone is still watching meanwhile I'm over here realizing everything and how it goes. There's probably no conclusion to what I was thinking.

Realization while watching movies.

End of chapter

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