Bradley and Sunshine

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Peyton point of view
After two hours of driving and blaming myself for what Sabrina did, I head back home.

I walk inside the apartment and saw nobody in the living room or kitchen.
I sigh and drop my keys on the kitchen counter.

I look around and walk into Corey's room.
"Hey." I say as I walk to him
"Hey." He says back and looks at me
"Were is everyone?" I asks him looking at the door
"Oh well Rowan and Sabrina are getting ready together and Jake is taking a shower." He says and I nod.
"I'm gonna go get ready." I say and he nods

Sabrina point of view
I'm nervous for some reason.
I already balled my eyes out over Peyton and now I'm nervous.
I haven't been on a date with anybody that issue Peyton in a while.

Rowan and I are getting ready.
She's getting ready for her day with the boys and I'm getting ready for my date with Bradley.
I already took a shower and did my makeup.
I didn't want to go over dressed so I decided to wear a white long sleeved shirt and some leggings paired with some combat boots.
"You look great." Rowan smiled at me
"Thanks Row you too." I smiled back
"Are you nervous?" She asked me
"A little." I say putting tying my boot lace.
"Well it's seven he should be here any minute now, and I think that the boys and I are leaving too." She says I grab my purse  and we walk out of my room.

The boys look at us.
"You guys ready to go?" Rowan asked them
"Yeah I'm driving." Peyton said with a smile
"Were we going to go eat?" Rowan asked him
I stared at Peyton.
"Steak and Shake." He smiled
"I love that place." I say with a small smile
"Maybe you two will go there." Peyton said before walking out the door
That hurt.
Peyton and I have gone to steak and shake so many times together.
Rowan hugged me.
"Good luck." She says before walking out.
Peyton point of view
I walked out and see Bradley.
I glare at him slightly.
"Hey Peyton." He smiled
I walked off into my car.

Sabrina point of view
I see Bradley at the door.
Rowan and the guys haven't even left yet, there all getting in Peyton's car still.
"Hey Sabrina." Bradley smiled
"Hey!" I smiled and hugged him
"Ready to go off?" He asked
I nodded and we walked to his car.
He opened the door for me, I thanked him and got in.

"So we're we going?" I asked him as he began to drive.
"Well I was thinking we could go get something to eat , watch a movie then go night go kart riding?" He asked
All I could do was smile and nod.
That's what Rowan and the guys are doing!
"So where are we gonna go eat?" I asked with a smile
"Steak and shake." He smiled
Oh no.

We got to Steak and Shake.

Rowan and the guys were getting out of Peyton's car and into the restaurant.

I walked with Bradley to the entrance we got in.
Wow it was full.
Rowan and the guys got seated on the last table.
"Were sorry but if you would like to eat here you will have to share tables with another group." The waitress said
"Ok." Bradley nodded
She smiled and took us to the table.
And of course it was with Rowan and the guys.
"Oh Hey!" Bradley smiles sitting down next to Jake.
I sat down next to Rowan.
"Hey." Jake smiled
"Hi." Rowan said
"Hey." Corey said looking nervous
Everyone said hello except for Peyton. He just sat there with a cold expression on his face looking at the menu.

We all ordered.
Bradley and I talked a lot, I couldn't help but laugh.
All Peyton did was talk to the group he acted like normal.

After about an hour we all left.

Bradley and I got into his car
"Were watching, the scorch trials." He smiled
End of chapter

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