About that talk.

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Sabrina point of view
I wake up and remember what happened yesterday, I smiled at the thought of Peyton helping me yesterday.
I get up and take a shower and change.
I see that Rowan is up and ready already.
I walk out of my room and go into Peyton's room, knocking first.
He wasn't in there.
I picked my phone up an face time called him.

He answered.
"Hey sunshine." He smiled
"Hey Pey, were you at?" I asked smiling
"I'm out to get food for all of us." He said.
"Great, thanks." I smiled
"No problem." He said
"I'm tired." I smiled
"You're really cute when you're tired." He said looking at he
"Thanks, always look cute." I said looking at him
"Thanks sunshine." He smiled

We ended the call after a while.
He's coming home with FOOD.
Man I love food.
I get up from the couch and look at Rowan behind me who's gushing.

"What?" I say looking at her with confusion
"Awww I heard all of that, well of course I wasn't eavesdropping but I was walking by and happened to hear, you're really cute when you're tired and thanks you're always cute!" She gushed jumping up and down with the widest smiled possible.

"Whatever Rowan we're just friends." I say looking at her walking towards the kitchen.
"JUST FRIENDS?!" Rowan yells following me.
"Yup." I say as I open the fridge and grab a juice.
"Why don't you two just go out already?!" She whines
"Because were both busy and that would just give us all more drama and nope not what I need right now." I say simply before taking a sip from my juice
"But you like him!" She says looking at me sitting down on the counter.
"Yeah I know." I said looking at her
"And he likes you!" She said looking right back at me.
"Yeah maybe." I say back
"MAYBE?! The way he looks at you Sabrina is priceless! It's so cute!" She gushes
"Yeah." I blush
"And you look at him the same way." She gushes even more
"Ok yeah." I blush
We heard a cough, and I turn to se Peyton with a bag that says Chipotle.

I blush.
"We were just talking about you!" Rowan smiles
"Yeah I heard." Peyton smiles back.
I have never been so embarrassed in my whole sixteen years of life, I blush extremely hard.

"Yeah ok,umm I'm hungry" I stutter
Peyton smiles at me and walks to the counter placing the food in the middle.

Rowan yells at Corey to come over to eat and he runs to the kitchen.
"So about that talk..." Peyton smiles
Rowan and Corey smiles even wider.
Jake walks in and smirks.
All the attention is on me.

This should be one conversation.
End of chapter

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