No work? No work No work?

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Sabrina Point of view
It was now morning.
I got up and Jake gave me a cup of coffee.
"She's getting out in an hour" Jake said smiling
"Oh great!" I smiled big
"Yeah" he nodded
I walked towards the bathroom.
I washed my face and put my hair in a messy bun.

I walked out to see Rowan in a wheelchair.
"What why?" I asked the nurse who was behind her
"Oh she can't walk it's to much pain for her so for one week  she will have to be in this wheelchair." She said plain
"Ok ok" I said smiling at Rowan
"Hey Row" I smiled
"Hey Sunshine" she smiled back
Peyton,Jake,Corey came over and they gave her hugs.

"Ready to go home?" I asked her
She nodded and smiled.

We walked out paparazzi's everywhere.
They asked me questions about Rowan.
The boys covered us up as we walked and go to the car.

Peyton picked her up from her wheel chair and sat her in the front seat, I folded the wheelchair and put it in the trunk.

We got home.

I opened the door and I immediately felt safe once again.

I went ahead and took a shower.

I walked out and into the kitchen.

Tears formed in my eyes.
Rowan she had fell and she was having a seizure, I did the same thing I always do, she had another phone call.

"Hello?" I asked
"Hello, watch out for her ok? I might hurt her" she said hanging up
I stood in shock.

She woke up.
"Hey Row" I smiled
"Hey Sunshine" she smiled
Once again she had forgotten what had happened, I'm not telling her about this though, it's to much to take in for her.

I walked to Peyton.
"We got another threat and they said to watch out for Rowan because they want to hurt her" I said
"Let's cancel everything and stay home for the week until we know she's ok" he said calmly
I nodded.
"No work?" I asked
"No work" he confirmed
End of chapter

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