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The case investigation team of four reached the medical and forensic department of the government.

They made their way to the main entrance to get the assigned doctors for helping their team.

"Good morning, we made an appointment with Dr. Lee and Dr. Kim." Yeonjun said to the nurse staff.

"Please, they are in their medical room."
The nurse allowed them to go inside the chemical smelling room.

It was like an anatomy lab, smells of chemicals and sometimes blood.

A silver colored hair man was observing something with the microscope.

Chan and Changbin walked towards him. As Soobin and Yeonjun followed them.

"Excuse me." Changbin called.

The young man turned around, showing his sunshine smile, making others melt.

"Yes?" He asked politely.

Changbin couldn't help but smile at it. Chan who saw this smirked meaningfully.

"We are from the police department. Took an appointment for discussing about the case happened in Seoul town last week." Chan said.

"Oh yes. Please take a seat. I am Dr. Lee Felix." He introduced himself.

By then another young doctor came into the scene. He looks like he is in his late twenties but a bit looking younger but matured than Dr. Felix.

"This is Dr. Kim Seungmin." Felix introduced the other one.

Chan glanced at the doctor who pushed his glasses a bit before smiling at them and find it cute.

Changbin cleared his throat at him making him glare.

"Sorry for the delay. Actually Dr. Jeon already told us and give his report. But we have to wait for our transfer order from state to central. That's why this late." Felix said.

He was a bit talkative compares to the black hair doctor and smiles often when he speaks and listen carefully. While Seungmin was a good observer and talks attentively

"So, let's go to the matter, straight." Felix began to speak and they all heard it carefully.

"There was a drug has been got inside his body before he was being murdered." Felix said.

"What type of a drug?" Chan asked.

"A mixture of expired chloroform and some other anesthetic drugs. We couldn't find the purpose of culprits used it. Because their whole organs had been cut off when they were fully conscious." Seungmin said.

It was like a piece of cake, he said like that. But Yeonjun can already hear the heartbeat of Soobin clearly.

"His heart was the last internal organ to be cut off. That's the reason for the death. After that, the whole skin was being peeled off too." Felix said.

Soobin wanted to puke at this but Yeonjun rubbed his lover's back. Make to ease him.

"Not in ours but, when the case was in Dr. Jeon’s hands, he thoroughly examined every bit of it. According to the time of the organs were dead, he calculated before finalizing into this.” Seungmin said.

“We contacted him and inspected this case as like what Dr. Jeon have done that time, because it was similar.” Felix said.

“What is the result?” Changbin asked.

“Ditto the same.” Felix said.

“How did the organs been cut off?” Chan asked.

“Using something sharp. But not all of it. That was the only thing different between the bodies.” Felix said.

THE ACE AND HIS SECRET WEAPON (MinSung)Where stories live. Discover now