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“Can’t figure out what he is upto.” Felix said.

“Since Seungyol is in a stage like that, he won’t able to do something like this.” Hyunjin said.

“Not only that, if he did something like that, we would it already, not gonna be this late.” Seungmin said.

“It is Park Jinyoung. Confirmed.” Jeongin said.

Jisung was sitting there, he was scared, not happy to hear something like this. The great privilege they had, is never the Baes leak out the news of Jisung being missing to the public.

It will ruin their status and pride. But the missing date was wrong. It reported like, he was missing since two days ago, but actually it was about two months.

The comments and strikes on the social media broke the internet already. Being a marriage that was being unaware by the public, made a havoc.

Now his photo is also published made another headache. Minho cannot hide him forever like this.

“Since missing of Jisung is out now, I am sure, news of Gahyeon will be leak out soon.” Felix said.

“That’s right. Bitches who were extremely value their pride over humans, must try to prove their innocence.” Hyunjin said.

“Either Jinyoung, Soohyuck or Seungyol, won’t rely on the authority, police or anything. He would do this in private.” Changbin said. “I have a doubt, Chan.”

They all looked at him. after all, they were in the middle of a sinking island. They avoid the other people who were already ready to help them, because they don’t them to be in it. It’s all their decision.

“Someone is investigating about the murder case from outside. Is that must be done by Bae Seungyol or Park Jinyoung?” he asked.

“It definitely make sense though.” Chan said, “After all, they were some among them once.”

“If that’s the case, Jinyoung would already looked through the past. There is a chance for him to find out, who are we even though he couldn’t recognize us.” Seungmin said.

“Two ladies came to meet Yonyue at the mansion.” Jisung said, gaining all of their attention.

“Who?” Felix asked.

“Don’t know. Mark told me once in the middle of a conversation. Whenever Seungyol need something secretly to be done, Yonyue must be the one who would do that for him.” Jisung said.

Mark was joining by the base of a contract of this much years. Even though he did something like murdering, Seungyol was sure Mark won’t go against him. because, he can lock him.

“There ladies must have an age of twenty-five plus. Young and have well tall. They looked like, they could fight well.” Jisung said. “This was the only thing Mark told me.”

“Could we contact him?” Seungmin said.

“I am on it.” Jeongin said.

Since Jeongin was really good at hacking and already went through most of all the confidential data of the Baes to find Jinyoung, he can do this without being get caught.

Hyunjin already leaked all of the information about the Bae, because he lived in that house. Safe play till now, but not from now on.

They have to destroy Jinyoung completely. Without him, Baes are nothing.

“Uncle Joon informed that, guard all the places near the mansion. We have to ensure her safety. If we lose her now, we couldn’t get her back…”

Chan’s words were traced out a loud crash of glass on the floor. Minho who was silent all these time, gritted his teeth.

THE ACE AND HIS SECRET WEAPON (MinSung)Where stories live. Discover now