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Miyeon and Soyeon left the party right after the girl was bring to the hospital. Both of them were now at the empty bridge near the city, but not crowded.

“Eonnie, why we left the party so sudden? Did something happen?” Soyeon asked.

Miyeon showed a necklace to Soyeon. At first, Soyeon just looked at casually but then her eyes widened at the locket.


What happened?” Miyeon asked to the two three people who pick up the girl to an empty room.

The girl was breathing heavily and her eyes were open wide. Her orbs are green color. The others all were men.

“We don’t know either.” A guy replied.

“I think we should get her to the hospital.” Another one said.

“Okay, please call a cab.” The other one said.

“Mam, since there is no another lady among us, could you please help us to bring her to the hospital?” a guy asked.

Miyeon was slightly annoyed but nodded anyway. Since the guys were the organizers of the party, they didn’t want the program to be ruined.

“Thanks a lot. Please look out her until we call a cab.” He said and them three ran out to call.

Miyeon looked at the girl, was now smiling a bit. Even in her this ridiculous state. She felt a little bit odd. That’s when she saw the necklace.

The necklace has a black metal thin string attached to a green stone. The same green stone they got from the crime spot.

“Hello… Soyeon, come to room no.8 at the back side. Right now.” She said and ended the call.

She searched a sharp object and cut her hand to drip the red blood out of her veins.

“What the hell?” Soyeon asked as she got into the room.

Miyeon immediately grabbled a little bottle which she used to carry her small candies, now empty and took the blood sample in it.

“What are you doing actually?” Soyeon asked.

“I will tell you later.” She said and the guys came back to room.

“So, she…?”

“We can’t finalize this without any evidence. What if she had a similar necklace like the killer has?” Miyeon reasoned.

After fixing about the stone, which is really an expensive one, they both enquired about the reporter’s background.
That middle aged man was not that rich enough to buy something like that which made them to fix this stone belongs to the killer. After all, that area was really crowd before the murder had happened, so there is no chance for a stone to be remained there before the murder.

After the incident, it had tight security. If the investigation officers won’t come there at that time, they won’t be able to even glance at that spot.

“I am pretty sure. If she is a cannibal then, her blood had some proteins in it. Her eyes were green and she was like laughing even she was about to die. I wonder where did I got this much courage to witness something terrifying.” Miyeon said.

Soyeon was in deep thinking, “Eonnie, let’s call Soojin.”

Miyeon went silent for a minute before shaking her head, “No.”

“Not that. How can you be so stupid after doing something brilliant?” Soyeon rested her hips and looked at the elder.

“Look Eonnie, let us give the sample to him to find those proteins. He will help us for sure.” She said.

“Are you sure?” Miyeon asked.

Miyeon looked and saw the younger was serious. She didn’t have another option, but nodded.

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Seungyol reached back to his room. he heard water splashing sounds from the bathroom and assumes that the younger was having the shower.

He stood there silently and when Jisung opened the door, he grabbed him by waist and pinned him on to the wall. Jisung was surprised to saw his husband.

“O-Oppa? When did you came?” he asked.

“Right now and I missed you.” He said and kissed Jisung.

“Why so sudden? You didn’t gave me any clue and also you look really happy right now.” Jisung said.

“Yes. I am happy. Happy that I have you all by myself.” He said as he hugged the younger.

“What?” Jisung chuckled and hugged him back.

“Come, I have something for you.” He said and bring Jisung to the bed.

At that day, Jisung received a lot of gifts. Seungyol was really happy to give all of them to him. After hearing Seungyol will be here for a week without any trip or meeting, made him feel like asking to meet their parents.

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Hela took a shower and went to bed. As she was scrolling through her phone, she pouted when she didn’t get any messages from Minho since she left.

“You forgot me?” she mumbled.

As she did, she remembered about the incident at the hotel room. she didn’t have the time to check upon that. So she grabbed the ring from her pouch.
The ring has a stone in it, but also a red button. She pressed it to be opened a small hidden camera with a chip in it. It was so minute that she took out it carefully.

Then she inserted it to her computer. She was shocked to hear what they had said. She leaned against the bed frame, couldn’t believe her eyes and ears.

“Oh my god!”

THE ACE AND HIS SECRET WEAPON (MinSung)Where stories live. Discover now