Grave visits

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Madison gets out of her car and locks it as the cool breeze of the night brushes past her, sending chills down her body. She sighs before wrapping her arms around her for warmth and walking into the graveyard. After passing a few graves, she approaches the one she went there for and slightly smiles to herself as she stands in front of it and reads over the headstone.

Samuel Torrez

eloved husband, father, son, and brother.


Madison feels a tear roll down her cheek after reading over it. "Hey dad," She says, speaking down towards the headstone. "Um, I am eagerly frustrated right now. Sarah and I have been struggling with our powers. She hasn't been able to do a spell the entire time, but I guess the bright side is that I'm learning spells and memorizing them, which is good in difficult situations." Madison sighs as more tears leave her puffy, red eyes. "God, it's so cold." Madison looks around the graveyard as she rubs her arms to keep herself warm, but her head snaps behind her as she hears a noise. She starts backing up towards her car, but falls down a hole.

"Son of a bitch," She says before something large falls onto the hole, keeping her from getting out. It isn't until now that she realizes she isn't alone. "Who the hell are you?" She asks the man, sounding a bit frightened.

"Isaac Lahey," He replies, also with the same tone in his voice. "Who are you?"

"Madison Torrez," she answered before the machine blocking their exit was lifted. Once it was off, Madison was blinded by the moonlight, unable to see who moved the machine. She quickly adjusts to the light and sees Derek Hale standing above them.

"Need a hand?" He asks them before helping them out of the grave. They're both shocked to see him, but Madison more than the Lahey boy.


Madison is standing in the graveyard the next morning with her hands in her pockets, standing next to Isaac as Stilinski interrogates them about what had happened. "Where's your mom, Madison?" The Sheriff asks her, seeming worried.

"At work," She answers while nodding. "You don't have to call her. She didn't know I was here in the first place."

"And what were you doing here?"

Madison looks to the ground before looking back up at him and answering "I was visiting my dad's grave. I do it at least once a week, but she doesn't know that."

Stilinski nods before turning to the male beside Madison. "And what's your name?"

"Lahey, Isaac Lahey," He replies as he looks at the Sheriff.

"You work for your father, Isaac?"

"When he's not in school- which is where he needs to be in twenty minutes," Isaac's father remarks with his arms folded against his chest.

"Yeah, I understand that. But, I've got a missing teenage girl, and our K-9 unit led us here. She's not wearing any clothes, and if she's out here tonight, and the temperature really drops-"

"I'm sorry, I-I didn't see anything," Isaac interrupts nervously.

Before Madison could say anything, Mr. Lahey chuckled before saying "Trust me, if he saw a naked girl outside a computer screen, he'd remember." Madison rolls her eyes at the man, trying to keep her composure in front of the Sheriff.

"How'd you get the black eye, Isaac?" Sheriff Stilinski asks him, seeing a purple bruise on his eye.

"School," He replies after a few seconds of hesitation. Madison notices the hesitance, and slightly looks over at Mr. Lahey before looking back at Stilinski.

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