Saturday Mornings

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Madison wakes up the next morning to banging from downstairs. She jolts up from her desk and immediately bolts out of her room, running downstairs and into the kitchen. When she sees her sister in the kitchen making breakfast, with a guys t-shirt on and messy hair, she tries to stifle a laugh. “Hey Sarah,” Madison says and Sarah jumps, dropping the spatula into the pan before slowly turning around to see Madison with her hand over her mouth and stifling a laugh.

“Madison, hey,” Sarah responds after a few seconds of silence. “Um, this isn’t what it looks like.” Madison nods before fully looking at the shirt Sarah is wearing and her eyes widen.

“Is that Jason’s shirt?” Madison asks. Before Sarah can respond, the two of them hear someone walking down the stairs and their heads both snap in that direction. When the person gets downstairs, Madison slaps a hand over her eyes as she lets out a groan- as the guy came down completely naked.

“Oh, hey Madison,” The guy says as he walks past her and to Sarah. Madison waves at him as she lets out a sigh.

“Sarah, can you tell your boyfriend to wear some fucking clothes when I’m in the house,” Madison remarks, still with her hand over her eyes. “I don’t want to see him butt-ass naked, especially where I’m supposed to eat.”

Madison hears Sarah sigh, which is followed by footsteps until she feels a hand pulling her away from the kitchen. “You can look now,” Sarah says and Madison lowers her hand, making eye contact with her sister. Madison gives Sarah a look, telling her to talk as she folds her arms above her chest. Sarah lets out a sigh as she diverts her eyes to the floor as she speaks, “He’s not my boyfriend, okay? We just hooked up last night and it felt, I don’t know-”

“Amazing?” Madison finishes for her and Sarah looks up at Madison, nodding in response. Madison smiles at her sister as she lets out a sigh. “That’s good, Sarah. I’m glad about that, but I don’t want his naked ass all over the house, got it?” Sarah laughs at Madison as she nods again. “I’m going to go into my room and change. He better be fully clothed when I get downstairs- or at least have some fucking underwear on.”

“You sound like mom,” Sarah points out in between laughs and Madison makes a disgusted look in response.

“Ew, I really do,” Madison replies and the two sisters laugh as Madison walks up the stairs and into her room, closing the door behind her. She walks into her closet and turns the light on, looking around at her clothes before pulling an oversized brown and tan flannel off of its hanger. She grabs a pair of her black jeans out of one of her cubbies and a black spaghetti strap crop top out of another cubby. Grabbing a pair of socks, a pair of underwear and a pair of black converse, she puts them into her arms and turns the light off before walking out of her closet. She walks over to her bed and sets them down before stripping off the clothing she’s wearing now.

Once she’s completely naked, Madison pulls the underwear over her body and the black tank top over her boobs. She grabs the pants and pulls them over her body, jumping to get them to go on her body, but winces when she remembers about the bruises on her body. Letting out a sigh, she grabs the socks and sits down on her bed, pulling the socks onto her feet and puts on her tennis shoes. She grabs the flannel and slips each of her arms through the sleeves.

Madison sighs as she pushes off of her bed and walks over to her desk. Instead of looking at her phone, she grabs the spell book right next to her computer and opens it. She reads the spells off in her head before finding the one she was looking for- a healing spell. Reading the instructions, she places the book flat open on her desk and looks down at it. She places one hand over the bruise on her stomach and the other over the bruise on her back.

Closing her eyes, she focuses on the bruises and her body, putting ounces of energy into healing them.

After a few seconds, Madison feels her body tingle and almost instantly, her eyes snap open and a gasp leaves her mouth as she feels the pain leave her body. She lets out a sigh as she looks down at her abdomen- seeing that the bruise is gone. Madison smiles to herself as she laughs excitedly, closing the spell book and grabbing her phone before heading downstairs. Once she gets to the last step, she covers her eyes and walks slowly into the kitchen.

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