Stupid counseling

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Madison was waiting patiently for her appointment with her guidance counselor, as someone was in their meeting with her right now. She gets interrupted by her thoughts from her phone ringing. She pulls it out of her jacket pocket and sees that Derek is calling her. She smiles to herself before answering it. “Hey you,” She says to him with a smile on her face. “What’s up?”

Nothing,” He replies honestly with a happy tone in his voice. “I just wanted to see what you’re doing right now.

“Um, I’m actually waiting for my appointment with the guidance counselor at our school. My mom is kind of forcing me to do this because of what I did.”

Well, I want to see you get better, so I’m glad that you’re doing them.” Madison smiles as she looks down at the floor, but then sighs, which caught Derek’s attention. “You okay?

“Scott and Stiles know that I’m in your pack,” Madison replies almost instantly. “I’m just- what if they put two and two together and find out about us?”

Well, considering that your sister is the only one that knows about us, I doubt Scott and Stiles will figure it out.” Madison stays silent, as if trying not to tell him anything and Derek immediately asks “Your sister is the only one that knows about us, right?

“Sure, you could say that,” Madison replies hesitantly.

Who else knows, Mads?

Madison sighs before saying “Isaac and Erica, but I didn’t tell them. They heard us talking the other night and kinda put two and two together.” Derek is silent for a moment, making Madison get nervous.

Did they say they’d keep their mouths shut?” Derek finally asks.

“Yeah, they did. And Erica even apologized to me today for kissing you. I kinda like her now.” They both laugh at Madison’s comment before Madison adds “I should probably go. I wouldn’t want Scott overhearing our phone call, you know?”

Yeah, that’s a good idea. I’ll see you later?

“Yeah, absolutely,” Madison replies before hanging up. She puts her phone back into her jacket pocket and, as she does, Lydia walks out of the guidance office, making Madison furrow her eyebrows in confusion. Lydia doesn’t notice Madison sitting in the seat as she walks past her and into the hallway. Madison sighs as she gets up and walks into the guidance counselor’s office, seeing a woman in her late twenties or early thirties sitting in a desk, writing down stuff on a piece of paper.

“Go ahead and take a seat, Madison,” She says to her as she stops writing. Madison closes the door behind her and sits down in the one chair in the office.

“Hi Miss Morrell,” Madison says to her with a fake smile plastered across her face.

“How are you feeling, Madison?”

“I’m a little happy, but also stressed and annoyed, as well as scared, but I believe that’s it.”

“Well, what’s making you feel all of those things?”

“I’m stressed because of school and home issues. I’m annoyed because my old friends just try to pressure their way back into my life and won’t take no for an answer. I am scared because of my home issues and I’m a little happy because I believe that I will be okay if I keep all of the new friends that I have made in my life.”

Miss Morrell sighs as she looks at Madison, seeing that her gaze is now averted down at her hands in her lap instead of at her. “Would you like to talk about your home issues?” She asks Madison, which causes her to look up at her and shake her head.

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