The break up

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Madison was walking out of her fourth period class after a very long and boring, yet important, lecture on what happened during World War 2. She was excited for lunch so that way she could sit alone and finally finish the book she’s been reading. She quickly heads to her locker and puts her history textbook inside before grabbing her book and slamming her locker shut, only to be met with Scott. 

“I’m getting a strange sense of deja vu,” Madison admits before quickly walking away with Scott following after her. 

“Look, Madison, we need to talk,” Scott says. 

“About what?”

“You know about what,” Scott answers, which causes Madison to stop and turn around to face him. 

“I don’t want to talk about it, Scott,” Madison admits as she holds back the tears that are already forming in her eyes. “It hurts too much to talk about it.” 

“But we have to talk about it, Madison,” Scott points out. 

“Fine, you wanna talk, lets talk,” Madison says as she crosses her arms over her chest. “How long?”

“About a week,” Scott admits before looking down at the floor. 

“Why? Why did you cheat on me, Scott?”

“It just happened and then after it did-”

“You kept cheating on me?” Madison asks, interrupting him, and Scott nodded in response. Madison scoffs as she rolls her eyes and wipes the tear that rolled down her cheek. “I told you yesterday that I don’t care anymore. Be with her, don’t be with her, who cares. I have more important things to worry about.” 

Madison turns to walk away but Scott grabs her by the arm and turns her around to face him and he looks at with a pitiful look on his face. “I’m sorry, Madison,” Scott pleads. 

“I don’t know what you’re apologizing for, or why you’re even trying to apologize,” Madison states as she looks at Scott with her puffy, red eyes while tears continue to roll down her face. “We’re done- no longer dating. Congratulations, you finally broke me.” Madison turns around and walks away from Scott, storming into the nearest girls bathroom and going to the stall furthest from the door and locking it before pulling out her phone as she removes her backpack off of her back and puts it on the floor. She sighs before sitting down next to her backpack and scrolls through her contacts before clicking on her sister’s and puts it to her ear to wait for her to pick up. 

What’s up, sis?” She hears Sarah ask her. 

“Sarah,” Madison says to her sister with a face full of tears. 

What happened, Madison?

“I was right about Scott cheating on me, and we just broke up.”

The other end is silent for a few seconds before Sarah mutters “I’m gonna kill him.” Sarah sighs before adding “Are you going to be okay?

“I think so,” Madison answers as she pushes herself up off of the floor and grabs her backpack before wiping the tears off of her face and throws her bag over her shoulder. She lets out a sigh before unlocking the stall and walking out and to the sink, looking at herself in the mirror, noticing that she looks an absolute mess, which causes her to laugh as she puts her phone on speaker and sets it down on the sink. “God, I’m a mess,” Madison says as she tries to fix her hair. 

I doubt it,” Sarah’s voice echoes throughout the bathroom as Madison pulls her hair back into a ponytail. 

“My hair is a mess and my face looks like I’ve been crying for hours.” Madison grabs a paper towel from the dispenser before turning on the faucet, running the paper towel underneath it, and turns off the faucet. Madison lets out a frustrated sigh as she wipes off her face as her conversation with her sister continues. 

What’s his next class? I can just storm in and beat his ass up right there.

Madison chuckles before saying “You don’t have to do that, Sarah. He’s probably going to get karma soon enough.”

But as your older sister, it is my duty to beat any boy up who broke your heart. He never deserved you, Mads.

“Weren’t you the one who told me that you thought I was going to end up with Scott, even after our big ass fight before I left to go spend a year with grandma?”

Sarah’s end grows quiet before she says “Yeah, well, I never thought he’d cheat on you.” 

Madison laughs as she throws the paper towel into the trash and says “Yeah, you and me both.” Madison picks up her phone and takes it off speaker before putting it to her ear and adjusting her backpack strap on her shoulder. Before Madison can say anything else, the bathroom door is swung open and she makes eye contact with Allison. “Hey Sarah, I have to go.” Before Sarah could respond, she hands up and turns off her phone before sliding it into her back pocket. 

“Hey Madison,” Allison says to her with a small apologetic smile on her face. “Look-”

“It’s okay,” Madison answers honestly before she shrugs. “He’s the one I’m mad at, not you.” 


“Yeah. Besides, I guess we’re even now.” Madison lets out an awkward laugh as she fold her arms above her chest. Allison laughs before nodding, and then the two are left in an uncomfortable silence. 

“Well, I’m gonna go,” Madison says, breaking the silence. “It was good talking to you again, despite the situation.” 

“Yeah,” Allison agrees as she nods before Madison smiles at her and walks past her and to the door. She opens it and stops in her tracks before looking back at Allison and smiling at her, then walks out of the bathroom and outside to read. 


Scott and Stiles had found out about Derek’s plan in turning Boyd into a werewolf and now they’re walking down the hall after school, talking about how they’re going to approach it. 

“I'm going to the ice rink, see if he's there,” Scott says to Stiles. “And, if he's not at home, you call me, got it?” Stiles stops in his tracks and Scott immediately notices, causing him to stop as well. “What?”

“Maybe we should let him,” Stiles answers hesitantly before looking behind them, trying to keep quiet with their conversation. “Boyd, you know, man? You said Derek's giving them a choice, right?”

Scott, seeming a bit frustrated, grabs Stiles by the arm and pulls him off to the side before saying “We can't.”

Scott and Stiles start walking again before Stiles speaks up, saying “You gotta admit, Erica looks pretty good. You know, the word ‘sensational’ comes to mind.”

Scott scoffs at Stiles comment before replying “Yeah, how good do you think she's gonna look with a wolfsbane bullet in her head?”

“All right,” Stiles states before letting out a sigh, and then adds “All I'm saying is, maybe this one isn't totally your responsibility.”

“They all are, and you know this thing's gonna get out of control. That makes me responsible.”

Stiles sighs before saying, “All right, I'm with you.” He adjusts his backpack on his shoulder before adding “And, I also gotta say, this new-found heroism is making me very attracted to you.”

“Shut up,” Scott says, feeling embarrassed, yet flattered as they stop to talk.

“No, seriously!” Stiles admits as he places a hand on Scott’s shoulder. “Do you wanna just try making out for a sec?” Scott rolls his eyes and shoves Stiles forward for his “ridiculous” comment and he quickly adds “Just to see how it feels?” before walking out of the school. 



So it's official... They broke up :( I'm sorry. I love the angst stuff, you know? The drama lol. Besides, Derek and Madison might be super adorable. You never know if you don't go through with it, right?

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