Missing person

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Sarah gets to the house minutes before the cops do, with Jason by her side. Madison immediately ran into her sister's arms and sobs uncontrollably for a solid minute. She only pulls away when a knock on the door fills the room and she immediately runs to it.

Madison swings the door open and sees Sheriff Stilinski and a deputy standing in front of the doorway. She holds the door open further and says, "Make yourself comfortable, I guess." She closes the door as they sit in the living room room. "Can I get you guys anything?"

"We're good," Sheriff Stilinski says as Madison walks into the living room and sits on the other couch next to Sarah. "So, you said on the call that your mom is missing. When was the last time you talked to her?"

"Madison hasn't heard from her in about a week and I haven't talked to her since Monday," Sarah responds and Stilinski writes down the information in a notepad.

"When was the last time you saw her?"

"It was the night before Friday," Madison responds after a few seconds of silence.

"Will you walk me through that night and what happened?" Madison looks over at Sarah with a scared look and Sarah looks at her with a soft expression. She nods and Madison nods too as she lets out a shaky breath.

"Um, I just got home from hanging out with some friends and she wasn't home yet. I went into my room and Sarah followed me in just to talk. I had asked her where our mom was and she said she didn't know. Then our mom got home almost right after Sarah said that. She walked into my room to talk to us and then left."

"What did she talk to you about?" Stilinski asks as he writes everything down.

"She asked us if we stayed in like she asked us to. She didn't want us to leave because of all the murders that have been happening. When we told her that we did, she left."

"But you did actually leave?" Madison nods in response. "So why'd you lie to your mom?"

"I didn't want to get in trouble."

"Okay. That phone call the next day- what was that about?"

"She called to tell me that she's going to be out of town for the weekend- that she's going to be with her sister and to get help."

"Help with what?"

"She's been struggling with drinking alcohol. It's caused a lot of problems."

"What kind of problems?"

"She's been coming home late and her behavior has been all over the place," Sarah answers. "We're just really worried about her."

"We'll do everything we can to find her," the deputy responds, her tone soft and caring as she places a comforting hand on Madison's knee, who was looking at her hands in her lap.

"Just a couple more questions, okay?" Stilinski assures them and they both nod as Madison looks back up at him. "What was your mom wearing the last time you saw her?"

"A blue pantsuit," Madison responds before adding, "She works for the news."

"Did you check in with them? Ask them if they've seen her?"

"I did on my way here," Sarah answers. "They said that they haven't seen her since a couple days ago. They figured she was spending the time with us."

"Okay. And what was the call you had with your mother on Monday about?"

"She was just telling us she was going to be home late and that we shouldn't wait for her." Stilinski nods in response as he writes the information down. He looks back up at the Torrez sisters and sighs as he sees their broken expressions.

"We're going to do everything that we can to find your mother, okay girls? Do you guys have a picture of her that we can use for an APB?" Madison nods as she stands up and walks to the other side of the living room and grabs a picture frame. She walks back to Stilinski and hands it to him. "I'll call you guys if I get any information, okay?"

They both nod as they stand and walk towards the door. "Sheriff Stilinski?" Madison says, her voice breaking as she looks at him. He turns around and sees tears brimming her eyes. She rushes to him and wraps her arms around him. "Please find her."

"I'll do everything I can, Madison," He responds as he hugs the girl back. Madison pulls away and smiles sadly at him as they leave.

"So you lied to the police?" Sarah asks when the door closes and Madison turns to face them.

"You lied too!" Madison retorts as she looks at Sarah. "Besides, if I told them that mom beats me, I don't know what would happen."

"Your mom beats you?" Jason shouts, his eyes widening in shock. Madison looks over at him, her scared expression showing as she looks in his eyes. She opens her mouth and closes it, unable to respond to him. Jason immediately walks over to Madison and examines her.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Where are all the bruises?" Jason questions after he looks at her.

"They healed."

"How?!" Madison looks over at Sarah and she shrugs in response. She sighs as she looks back at Jason and shrugs.

"I'm a witch." Jason is silent for a few seconds before bursting out laughing.

"That's a good joke, Mads," He says in between laughs, bending over as he catches his breath. "But seriously, how'd they heal?"

"I'm being serious, Jason. I'm a witch and so is Sarah. Well, sort of. Anyway- I used spells to heal my bruises to hide them."

Jason's jaw drops as his eyes widen, his face giving away how shocked he is. "What? How?"

"We were born like that," Sarah answers as she walks up to him and Madison. "Her powers just recently activated and mine are still vacant."

"I need proof," Jason suggests and Madison looks over at Sarah with a smile on her face.

"Don't do anything drastic or anything that'll kill him," Sarah responds and Madison shrugs in response. Madison looks over at Jason and holds eye contact with him. Her brows raise and Jason raises off of the floor slightly.

"Oh my god!" He shouts, his body barely off of the ground. "Okay, I get it. Put me down now, please." Madison smiles and moves her gaze to the living room, causing Jason to fly over to the wall and crash into it.

"Madison!" Sarah shouts as she runs over to Jason, who was curled up on the floor, holding his stomach in pain. "What the hell?"

Madison snaps back into reality and looks over at them. "I am so sorry," Madison pleads, staying away from them because she's afraid she might hurt them again. "I didn't mean to do that. I'm sorry, Jason."

"It's okay," Jason responds as he sits up and lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "I just need some fresh air." He slowly gets up and walks towards the front door and walks out of the house.

"What the hell happened?" Sarah questions as she walks up to Madison.

"I-I-I don't know," Madison responds as tears brim her eyes and she avoids looking at Sarah. "I just lost control and- I didn't mean to-" Madison starts sobbing and immediately runs up to her room, locking the door and walking over to her bed. She gets under the covers and curls up into a ball, only to sob harder than she was before.



Sorry for the short chapter lol

Poor Mads tho 🥺 She's struggling with her powers and she's struggling so much. I love her so much and I have a huge soft spot for her, you have no idea

Might do a double update today

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