More Apologies

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The next day, Madison is walking to her car after a long day at school, desperate to get home and do her homework. When she gets into her car, she's startled by Isaac sitting in the back seat.

"How the hell did you get into my car?" She asks him, looking at him through her rearview mirror.

"It was unlocked," Isaac states and Madison laughs as she shakes her head at him. She pulls out of the school parking lot and Isaac climbs into the front seat, surprisingly not kicking Madison in the process.

She immediately stops at a red light and turns to him, her eyes roaming over him. He's wearing a black long sleeves, as well as a pair of jeans. "I haven't seen you in days," Madison points out. "How's the hiding been?"

"Horrible. Derek is a wreck, especially because you haven't come to find us." His eyes land on the leather jacket she's wearing and he looks back at her. "You're wearing the jacket though."

Madison looks down at it and back up at him, only to look back at the lights, which turn green immediately. "I miss him," Madison admits as she drives. "Every day. I just didn't want to take the risk of being followed, you know? I couldn't do that to you guys."

"I get that." The car goes silent for a few seconds before Isaac says, "I need you to drive me somewhere."

"And where is that?"

"The animal clinic," He admits and Madison looks over at him in shock before putting her attention back on the road.

"Seriously? Why?"

"I need to talk to Scott." Madison sighs as she stays silent for a few seconds, deciding on what she wants to do.

"Fine." Isaac smiles at her, despite her not being able to see him.

"Thank you." Madison nods in response and she pulls into the parking lot of the animal clinic minutes later. She puts her car in park and gets out with Isaac. "What are you doing?"

"I need to talk to him too." Isaac nods in understanding before they both walk in the front door, the bell ringing above them. Isaac shoves his hands in his pockets as they stand there, waiting. Dogs start barking and in seconds, the two of them make eye contact with Scott and Deaton.

"It's okay, guys," Deaton says as he walks to the gate. "We're open." He opens it and the two of them walk into the back and to the table where they see a dog laying down.

After a minute of silence between the four of them, Isaac speaks up from next to Madison. "Why does it smell like that?" His face is scrunched up like he dislikes the smell he smells and both Deaton and Scott smile at him, which only confuses both him and Madison, who was standing next to Scott. "What?" Deaton sets down the syringe in his hand and looks at Scott.

"Scott said almost the same thing to me a few months ago," Deaton replies, his voice sounding amused. "One day, he could somehow tell the difference between which animals were getting better, and which were not."

"He's not getting better, is he?" Isaac looks at the dog with sadness in his eyes as Deaton shakes his head in response and Isaac adds, "Like, cancer?"

"Osteosarcoma. It has a very distinct scent, doesn't it?" Scott nods and Deaton continues talking. "Come here." Isaac walks up to Deaton, seeming a bit hesitant. "I know you're well aware of what your new abilities can do for you- improved strength, speed, and healing." He looks down at the dog as he adds, "You ever wonder what it could do for others?"

Isaac looks at Deaton, then at Scott and almost immediately looks over at Madison, who had a soft expression on her face. Isaac looks back at Deaton and he smiles at him softly before saying, "Give me your hand." Isaac puts his hand on Deatons and Deaton slowly moves it on to the dog. "Go on."

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