Training session

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Madison wakes up the next morning to an empty bed and a note on her nightstand. She immediately grabs it, shooting up in her bed as she opens it and reads it. 

Hey beautiful,

There’s going to be a pack training session today, so dress in something flexible and something that you can fight in.


Madison smiles to herself as she slips the note under her pillow and gets out of bed, walking over to her closet and grabbing out a pair of black leggings with side pockets and a blue sports bra, as well as a black jacket and a pair of underwear. She walks out of her closet and tosses the clothing in her hands onto her bed before taking off the shirt that she was wearing, which she had to take back to Derek, and throwing it onto her bed. 

Madison grabs her underwear and pulls them onto her body as she recalled what she had confessed to Derek last night. She hated how vulnerable she felt when she was with him, but she absolutely loved being with him, although she doesn’t love him- yet. Her confessions to Derek made him seem mad and hurt at what she does to herself and what her mom does to her and that reminds her to ask him about it later. 

Madison grabs the sports bra and pulls it over her body before grabbing the leggings and pulling them onto her body, jumping as she tries to get them over her body better, but winces as she feels pain in her abdomen and back. She grabs the jacket and puts it on, grabbing Derek’s shirt before she walks over to her desk and grabs her phone, noticing that her keys were right next to them. After a moment of hesitation and pure shock, Madison shrugs it off and grabs her keys, heading out of her room and closes the door behind her. She walks down the stairs and looks around her house, seeing that downstairs was empty. 

Madison lets out a sigh as she heads out of the house, locking the door behind her before heading to her car. Once she gets inside, she puts the keys in the ignition as she tosses the shirt in the passenger seat and turns her car on, waiting for her car to warm up before putting it in drive and pulling out of the driveway, heading towards Derek’s. 


Madison pulls up to Derek’s place and parks her car, pulling her keys out of the ignition and grabbing his shirt out of the passenger seat before hopping out of the car, closing the door behind her. She locks her car as she walks to the door leading to the stairs and opens it, walking down the flight of stairs as the door closes behind her. Her eyes wander around the railway depot and her brows furrowed together in confusion when she sees no one is here. Just as fast as she came in, Derek appears from the abandoned car and walks up to Madison. 

“Good, you got my note,” Derek says as Madison takes in his appearance. He’s wearing a pair of black sweatpants and a gray tank top, which is covered up by a black jacket. His hair is disheveled and his muscles are popping out of the jacket, making Madison’s breath hitch. 

“You get a good look?” Derek questions her as he folds his arms above his chest and raises an eyebrow at Madison. 

“Where are the others?” Madison finally asks as her voice comes out shaky, so she clears her throat before letting out a sigh. 

“It’s just us,” Derek replies as he fixes his stance. Madison nods in understanding, realizing that he had lied to her about Isaac, Erica and Boyd’s presence in this meeting, but she shrugs it off as she throws his shirt at him and he catches it with one hand as part of the shirt hits him in the face. 

“Shall we get started, then?” Madison suggests as she holds out her hands before unzipping her jacket and shrugging it off, slipping her phone and keys into the pocket. She walks past Derek as she heads to the train car and puts her stuff down before walking back out and towards Derek, who was standing in the middle of the depot. 

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