Huge problems

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The next night, Madison snuck out of her house to go meet up with Derek and the rest of the pack at the railway depot. Erica went off to kidnap Jackson to prove a hunch Derek had, and Madison stayed back with him and Isaac, as she was keeping a low profile with people from her past life

"So you think Jackson is the kanima?" Madison asks him quietly as they sit on a block of concrete. 

"It's just a hunch," Derek replies as he shrugs, making eye contact with Madison. 

"By the way, you look hot in all black," Madison whispers to Derek in a flirtatious way. "It makes you look mysterious as hell." 

"Stop flirting with me," Derek remarks as breaks eye contact with Madison and tries to hold back a smile. "Isaac is right over there." 

"I'm sure he won't say anything," Madison replies, not even hiding the smile on her face. 

"We can't risk it and you know that," Derek snaps before Erica comes storming down the stairs with a very frustrated Jackson. Isaac walks over to hold his other arm as Derek is messing with the piece of glass in his hand, avoiding eye contact with everyone, especially Madison. 

Jackson lets out a frustrated sigh before noticing Madison sitting next to Derek with a smirk on her face and her arms crossed over her chest, leaning back on the pillar that was right behind her. "Madison?" He asks, his voice giving away how shocked he is. "What the hell are you doing here?" 

"Can't a girl switch things up?" Madison asks him before shrugging, but then she laughs before adding "I got tired of Scott's shit, that's all." 

"What happened to you on the night of the full moon?" Derek questions. Jackson immediately looks over at him with a confused look. 

"What?" He asks, still seeming very frustrated. "Nothing! Nothing happened."

Derek looks up at Jackson and looks him in the eyes before saying “You're lying.” Derek sets the piece of glass on his leg before grabbing a pair of gloves that were next to him and puts them on, which made Jackson nervous. 

“No, wait! No, wait! I can-I can prove it.” Derek raises his eyebrows to let Jackson know he can keep talking. “I taped myself.” His comment made both Madison and Isaac laugh. 

“You taped yourself?” Isaac asks him, sounding very amused. 

“Well this should be fun,” Madison comments with a smile on her face, sounding just as amused as Isaac. 

“Yes- it was the full moon,” Jackson remarks, sounding very agitated. “And maybe, while you were curled in the corner, having an existential crisis about turning into a monster, I was preparing for the gift your so-called Alpha promised me. And what did I get? Nothing.” Jackson looks between everyone before looking at Derek and adds “You want proof? Let me get the video.”

“No,” Derek answers after a few seconds with a small smile on his face before grabbing the piece of glass off of his leg. He looks down at it before moving the reflective side towards Jackson. “I have a better idea.”

“What is that?” Jackson asks, sounding very scared. Erica and Isaac force Jackson down onto his knees as Derek stands up and walks over to the three of them. 

“You know, Jackson, you've always been kind of a snake,” Derek comments, ignoring Jackson’s question as he holds the glass in his hands. “And everyone knows a snake can't be poisoned by its own venom.” Erica and Isaac hold Jackson’s mouth open as Derek brings the glass to his mouth before tilting it, letting the kanima venom slide down into Jackson’s mouth. Madison stands up from where she’s sitting and stands next to Derek as they all watch Jackson’s reaction to the venom. 

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