Rekindling Friendship

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Later that night, Madison and Derek head back to the depot for a pack meeting, trying to ignore that they had sex in it only twelve hours ago. And they were wearing the same clothes they were before- Madison's black jacket over her and the zipper zipped closed.

The four of them are walking through the abandoned train car as Derek explains the plan to them. "So, why do we need their help?" Isaac asks Derek, which only seemed to frustrate him.

"Because it's harder to kill than I thought, and I still don't know who it is," Derek replies, seeming impatient as they exit the train car.

"And they do?" Madison asks, folding her arms above her chest.

"They might- which is why I need one of you to get on their good side."

"Mmm, Scott or Stiles?" Erica asks in a flirtatious tone and with a smile on her face. The four of them stop in front of a wooden box and Derek turns to Erica as Madison laughs at her comment. Madison is on Erica's right and they look at each other before looking back at Derek, who looked irritated.

"Either," Derek comments and Madison laughs again. Derek looks at her and she forms her lips into a line to keep herself from laughing more.

"You know, the full moon's coming, Derek," Isaac points out as Derek bends down to unlock the chest in front of them.

"I'm aware of that," Derek replies as he looks at Isaac and opens the chest. He starts taking chains out and Erica grabs a pair of chains that have screws poking out of the inside.

"Oh my, these look comfortable," Erica comments sarcastically and Derek takes them out of her hands- pulling the rest of the chain out of the box before putting it on the floor.

"You said you were gonna teach us to change whenever we wanted," Isaac points out.

"There hasn't been time."

"But if you have to lock us up during the full moon, that means- that means you're alone against the Argents."

"Wow, thanks Isaac," Madison comments as she clings her arms to herself and he glares at her response.

"They haven't found us," Derek points out before closing the chest and walking away from them.

"Yet." Isaac pauses, considering his next words very carefully before saying them. "So, how about we forget about the kanima?"

"We- can't!" Derek points out as he stops and turns to face them. He lets out a sigh and looks down at the ground before continuing, "There was something about the way Gerard looked at it." Derek glances up at them and Madison notices how frustrated he's getting, causing her to suck in a breath. "He wasn't afraid- at all. I don't know what he knows, or what he's planning. But I'm sure about one thing- we have to find it first."

Derek sighs in frustration, turning his back away from them as he runs his hands through his hair. Madison looks over at him and sighs as she unfolds her arms. "Will you guys give us a minute?" Madison asks Erica and Isaac. They both nod in response before walking into the abandoned train car.

Madison walks over to Derek with a softened look on her face and she places her hand on his shoulder. He turns around to face her as he crosses his arms above his chest. "You okay?" Madison asks him as she looks at him with a worried filled look.

"I'm frustrated," Derek replies and Madison laughs as she nods in understanding.

"Yeah, I know, but did you have to take it out on Isaac?"

"He'll manage," Derek replied bluntly with a shrug.

"Just give him a break, okay? He's new at this stuff."

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