Mendable Relationship

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Days later, Madison still hasn't used Derek's leather jacket to find them, but she has been wearing it to school every day, unable to part ways with it. She hasn't heard from him since the night he came to her house, which makes her only slightly worried, as she's distracting herself with school work.

She's sitting outside of the guidance counselor's office, waiting to have her appointment as her brain slowly wanders. Her mom is still missing and Sarah is working twice as hard to keep things going well. Madison is trying to help her sister out with everything.

Madison gets snapped back into reality when she hears the door to the guidance office open. She stands up and sees Stiles walk out, the look on her face showing her confusion. "Stiles?" She questions and his head snaps towards her, confusion on his face as well.

"What are you doing here?" He asks her, the tone in his voice soft.

"I come here, like, twice a week. I've missed my last few though. What are you doing here?"

Stiles sighs as he looks to the ground, shoving his hands in his pants before looking back up at her. "I needed a session. Just to feel a little bit better, you know?"

"Yeah, I get that," Madison responds with a nod. He smiles sadly at her before the two stand in an awkward silence. Madison is the one to break it when she says, "I'm sorry." Stiles looks at her with a confused look, causing her to clarify. "I'm sorry for the way I've been acting and the way I've been treating you guys. I feel horrible."

"Hey, it's okay," Stiles admits with a soft smile, trying to reassure her. "We were treating you just as horribly, so it's fine."

"No, it's not okay. I lost you, Stiles. Don't you get that?" Madison looks at him with a sad expression on her face. "I lost you and Scott during all of this. I mean, yeah, I got more friends and people I can trust, but I lost the two most important people in my life and I lost myself because I didn't have you guys with me. So I'm sorry, for everything."

"You are one hundred percent forgiven, Madison," Stiles says and she smiles. His eyes land on the leather jacket that she's wearing and back in her eyes. "Nice leather jacket."

"Thanks," Madison says as she looks down at it before looking back up at Stiles with a smile on her face.

"I'm ready for you, Miss Torrez," they hear someone say from behind them and they turn around to see Miss Morrell standing in the doorway to her office.

"I'll talk to you later?" Stiles nods in response before he walks off to the cafeteria and Madison heads into the office.

"How has everything been for you since we last talked?" Miss Morrell asks as they both sit down.

"As it should be going, I guess," Madison replies as she shrugs. "Uh, my mom is missing and my relationship has taken a swerve. My new friends are keeping their distance for now while I'm finally, slowly, letting my old friends back in."

"And how are you feeling about all of this? And about your fellow classmates passing?"

"I don't know, but I'll get through it. And I honestly think Matt was kind of creepy. I mean, he was obsessed with Allison. It showed. I didn't have to know him to notice his weird obsession."

"And have you talked to your friends about all of this? About how you're feeling?"

"No, I haven't. I'm honestly not so sure they'll forgive me for shutting them out." Madison looks down at her hands in her lap as Morrell sighs.

"Look, Madison. If you just talk to them and explain, I'm sure they'll understand." Madison looks up at her and smiles softly. "When was the last time you talked to them?"

"I just talked to Stiles when he left your office, but before that, I honestly don't know. And it goes the same for Scott and Allison."

"Well, what about Carter?" Madison's head flashes back to that night he came over to her house after Lydia's party and needed comfort from a friend after finding out about his mom dying.

"It was the night of Lydia's party, which was the last time I talked to her as well."

"What did you and Carter talk about?"

"Personal issues- his personal issues, not mine." Miss Morrell nods as she clasps her hands together on top of her desk. Before she can say anything, the bell signaling that lunch is over rings. "Looks like our session is over." Madison grabs her bag from off of the floor and stands to her feet.

"Make sure you come in again soon, Madison. It looks like you can use a few more sessions." Madison nods in response before walking out of the office and to her next class.



Sorry for the short chapters, but I'm honestly just trying to get this book finished quickly lol

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