First actual date

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Once Madison pulled into the parking lot of the diner at the edge of town, the couple gets out of the car and heads inside, immediately being met with a smiling hostess. 

"Good afternoon," the lady says to them, the smile on her face is surely fake. "Table for two?" 

"Do you have any booths free?" Derek asks the lady and she nods in response as she grabs a couple of menus. 

"Right this way," she says before guiding them to the left side of the diner, setting them at a booth in the back as she hands them their menus. "Your waitress will be with you in a minute."

"Thank you," Madison finally speaks up and the girl faces Derek, flashing him a flirtatious smile before walking away. Madison's brows furrow together in confusion as she looks at Derek, who was holding back a smile as his eyes scan over the menu. 

"Did that bitch just smile at you?" Madison whispers, causing Derek to laugh as he looks up at Madison, seeing the small smile on her face. 

"I think she thought I'm your dad," Derek replies in between laughs, which causes Madison to roll her eyes at him. 

"One, you are too hot to be my dad. And two, you aren't even old enough to be my dad either." 

"Just ignore it. She doesn't have my attention- you do. I'm yours and only yours, okay?" Madison smiles at him as she nods before their attention goes to the menus in their hands. 

Minutes later, a man comes up to their table, wearing the uniform for the diner, but in slacks and a button up instead of a dress, with a smile on his face, which doesn't seem forced like the hostess' was. He has a notepad and a pen in his hand, readying himself to write down their orders, and a nametag on his shirt saying James

"Hi, my name is James and I'll be your server for the evening," He says, his smile more towards Madison than Derek. "What can I get you started with?" 

Derek laughs and Madison kicks him under the table with a smile on her face, not tearing her gaze off of James. "Just a couple of waters is fine," Madison replies and the man nods as he walks off, heading to the back to get their drinks. 

"Are you done?" Madison asks Derek as she looks at him, seeing that he's still laughing. 

"That dude was giving you a horny look, love," Derek says after he catches his breath. 

"Well he better wipe it off of his face because the only person I'm horny for is sitting right in front of me." Derek smiles at Madison's comment as James approaches their table again with two glasses of water in his hands. He sets them down in front of them before looking at Madison.

"What can I get you two to eat?" He asks, the notepad long gone.

Before Madison can say anything, Derek snatches the menu out of her hands and says "Two hamburgers and a tray of fries please. And stop looking at my girlfriend like you want to fuck her right here on this table." Derek hands the menus to James, who was frozen in shock at Derek's comment, but quickly snaps out of his trance and takes the menus from Derek, nodding in response before heading to the back.

Derek looks over at Madison and sees the shocked and embarrassed look on her face. "What the hell, Derek?" She whispers at him as she leans as close to him as possible.

"I wasn't wrong, was I?" Derek asks in a whisper as he leans closer to Madison, their faces inches apart.

"No, you weren't. I'm also upset that you decided to order for me." Derek sighs as he slightly smiles at Madison.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to get that perv away from you as fast as possible." Madison laughs as she shakes her head at him. "Don't shake your head at me. You know I'm right."

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