"I Dont like Sharing" II

779 19 3

Eto na kosa ya gayot. 🙄💕


Leni's Pov:

After having lunch with Miro, a friend from college, we shook hands. I checked my phone as soon as he departed and was startled to see 75 missed calls from Bong. Although I realized I was already in trouble, I panicked.

I gathered my bag and rushed towards my car. Bong called as soon as I settled into the car seat. As I hesitated whether to answer or not, my hands began to shake. I took the call while exhaling heavily.

I stuttered, "b-bong." On the other side, I can hear heavy breathing.

He spoke "Saan ka" in a cold, deep voice. I gulped.
(gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp ka mamaya. CHAR AHAHAHHA)

I replied, "I'm already coming back home." He hung up the phone before I could hear him say anything.

I groaned. I hung up the phone and started heading for the penthouse.


When I came inside, I noticed Aika having fun with our dog. When Bong was not in the house, I felt relieved. After giving Aika's hair a kiss, I went to my room. I was shocked to find a blood red nightgown inside when I first entered, even though it was quite short. A letter was placed next to it.

I laid my bag on the ground and took the letter.

Wear this tonight, Leni.


It was essentially the first time I had seen a bong act in this manner, so I literally widen my eyes. I couldn't understand why Bong would let me go sleep in a seductive nightgown. I decided to just ignore my thoughts and get to the shower for some me-time.


As Bong still wasn't home after dinner, I began to worry. I advised Aika to get some rest because she has a school assembly tomorrow.

I wore the nightgown bong had earlier instructed me to wear. Till I heard the door open, I was in the middle of putting the dishes away.

When I went to check, I was met by Bong's cold gaze. He gave me a long, hard stare.

I trembled as he approached me on foot. I drew nearer to him when he grabbed my hand. He whispered while placing his lips on my ear.

"Go to my room and stay there.."

I nodded as I gave him a look. As I made my way to his room, I couldn't help but wonder what was going on.

I froze as I entered his room. I spotted a vibrator sitting atop the bed. I felt someone put their hand on my waist. When I noticed that Bong was kissing my neck, I shivered.

I groaned "B-bong" when his hands entered my underwear. He started kissing me and sucking my neck all the way down to my back while playing with my folds.

"Mrs. Marcos, I've warned you before about going out with other men." He gave up on kissing me. When I turned around, I caught sight of him giving me a seductive, lustful look. He drew me in close through my waist.

He gave me a violent kiss and huskily muttered, "Time for your punishment." I gasped as he shoved me into bed. He came on top of me and gave me a passionate but at the same time hard kiss.

He pinned both of my hands towards the top of my head and hissed, "Fuck, you're only mine..." He tore the nightgown and began kissing my stomach all the way down to my thighs.

Our Untold Relationship (Bong x Leni) One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now